2) Asset Based Tax System. (To fund basic government functions)
There is $55 Trillion of wealth in this country. It should be taxed at 1-2% per year. This would raise about $550 Billion to $1.1 Trillion in tax revenue. Given the fact that the top 1% of the nation
has had their wealth go up 5 fold in 12 years and 12 fold in the last 40 while 99% of the nation is worse off, this doesn't seem to be offbase.
Comment Today: I believe in "Competitive Free Markets" Not Crony Capitalism AKA Feudalism. The Nation is now worth $110 Trillion+
Don't believe the narrative, Corporation used to match US and pay what We the People paid in individual income taxes... Today, they are paying less than 1/3 of the amount and use our Military to defend their interests overseas at the expense of our Blood and Treasure.
A True Capitalist system works. CRONY CAPITALISM, what we imported from China into the US, WILL NOT EVER WORK without Massive Censorship and Societal Controls. Sound familiar?Expenses of Govt should attempt to match Revenues over time, aside from the societal insurance component.
With as much wealth as this nation has, Assets accrued, NO WORKERS should Pay Income taxes.. Usage taxes.. yes... Income Taxes .. No! Over the past 3 decades, much of the research WE THE PEOPLE funded in Universities, Our Military, etc was taken by Private Sector Multinationals
at little to no cost. They are accruing all of the profits from the Research we funded with any of the costs as they offshore operations overseas to avoid taxes.. Look into Apple and see for yourself. That company tries to say it exists in Int'l Waters to Avoid paying anything!
without not with
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