the challenge of processing politics through a Christian worldview is that news comes pre-marinated in a secular (progressive/conservative) worldview.
And there is Christless-progressivism AND Christless-conservatism. But when its what we want to hear it seems Christ-blessed.
as you read the Christs encounters, actually arguments, with Pharisees & Sadducees, you see him fighting, not for conservatism, or liberalism, or even moderation, but for truth outside of preconceptions, for Godward perspective.
political news consumption might have done more to secularize the church than just about any other influence, not movies, tv, or schools. Ironically & diabolically, this secularization feels like sanctification, which means rescuing people from it is delicate, actually dangerous
false teachers are dangerous, not because everything they say is a lie, but because 75% of what they say is the truth.
And the 25% that's not true, tends to be lies people want to hear.
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