This is what we do for every other respiratory virus. The Zelenko protocol appears to work if it is given at symptom onset. Tamiflu only works within 72 hours of onset /1
So the idea that a respiratory virus has a replication stage and can become more severe, creating more complex & even deadly symptoms is not new. Both the flu & viral pneumonia do this.

Think about THIS. The only doctors being attacked are advocating safe, effective, generic /2
drugs. President Trump mentioned HCQ & remdesivir at the press conference. ONLY HCQ was attacked in was that were beyond the realm of credible for a drug that has been around for 65 years & used in pregnant women. /3
However, the thing you REALLY need to ask yourself is WHY would doctors treating patients lie? They look people in the eye every day & seek to solve their medical issues. They have a vested & real interest & commitment to providing effective treatment. /8
And why would top researchers come out & advocate for these treatments in the face of a full on character assassination if they didn’t truly believe what they were saying. If they didn’t honestly believe they were doing the right thing? /9
Are many of them any less intelligent or experienced than Dr. Fauci? Hardly. Many still see patients every day. Many are widely published in peer reviewed journals. So why can’t we have what we have for the flu & pneumonia? /10
In both cases, vaccines are available for high risk patients if they want them. Early outpatient treatment with well tested drugs is also available. And well documented treatment is available for severe disease if it happens. We need the same for COVID-19. And there are brave /11
Intelligent voices are saying we have it. In the face of extraordinary threats to their livelihoods. It is 100% rational to question the motives here. And if you aren’t you aren’t thinking. /12
Effective outpatient treatment would end lockdowns, masking & social distancing. It is why we don’t do those things with the flu. The real question is why do the gatekeepers want you isolated & anxious? There is no good answer to that. Not a single one. /end
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