In case some of you are wondering about the Great Bernie Bro Civil War of 2020, let me break it down for you.

#ForceTheVote is yet another temper tantrum over the pony Bernie promised them that they didn't get.


Jimmy Dore, a Bernie activist with a podcast, is encouraging AOC and her Squad to threaten to withhold their votes for Nancy and make McCarthy Speaker if Nancy doesn't promise to hold a vote on M4A.

Other Bernie Bold Face Names like Cenk Uygur say it won't work and it's a waste of political capital and that would make The Squad and the Bernie Left look weak and ineffective, and even if it works, the vote will fail. (All true.)

Dore says it SO TOTALLY WILL work, and even if the vote fails, it "starts a conversation" and all the Members who vote No will lose in 2022 because reasons, and that Cenk and anyone who doesn't agree to blackmail Nancy and the Democrats is a neoliberal corporate whore.

There, now you're caught up. Sit back, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the show.

Here's a thread I wrote the other day about how that vote for Speaker would go.

Here's a follow up thread about AOC and her latest declaration that Nancy needs to GO.

You can follow @SilentAmuse.
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