1/ Some positivity ideas for these challenging times. Thread.

Turn off the news and take some breaks from social media regularly. A whole day off works wonders. Let’s face it, we know what is going on at a quick glance – keep it that way.
2/ 24/7 news does not help anyone right now.

Stick some uplifting music on. Read a positive book. I’m going to write a blog post later on book recommendations – print, digital or audio.
3/ (this will also help me procrastinate about wrapping presents - no matter how crap you think you are at doing this, trust me - I'm the worst - it's like I wrap them with my feet)

Look at online community groups outside of Twitter.
4/ Check my timeline for one I’ve recommended or Google – Living Well Alone.

Stay in touch with people. Maybe call someone you haven’t spoken to for a long time and have lost touch for whatever reason. You’ll be amazed at the response and how good it makes you feel.
5/ I speak from experience.

Sit quietly once a day for as long as you can and just try and stay in the moment. Being in the moment is hugely beneficial to one’s mental health. Past and future are not within your control and thinking they are is self-defeating.
6/ Be gentle with yourself. You have done, and are, doing the best you can. Also, tell yourself you love yourself. Tell those you love that you love them. Be true to yourself and feel those feelings.

Coupled with that, try not to be angry too much.
7/ Easier said than done, I know. You aren’t in control of what is going on right now, nor can you be. There will be positive steps to take soon, but for the moment, let go and just surrender to it. You’ll feel a lot better for it if you can do it.
8/ Exercise helps but also, if you don’t have the energy, that’s cool too.

Check in on everyone you know regularly. Helping other people out helps you out as well, something so many people forget. Do something positive for someone else and expect nothing in return.
9/ Keep in regular touch with your friends and family. Don’t just text, pick up the phone and talk. I’ve stopped doing many video calls – they can be draining. It’s nice to go back to more basic communication at times.

Remember, a vaccine for Covid is on the way.
10/ We can’t vaccinate against this government but sit tight – change is coming. Take it from someone who has stared at the abyss – no matter how difficult it is, there is a brighter path out there x

#MentalHealth #BeKind #Compassion #Empathy #Humanity
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