okay bokuroo villain and superhero au where kuroo is the hero and bokuto is the villain, they're also roomates. they both know they're fighting each other but they've long made peace with that, because there's no other decent apartments like the one they have. why ruin that?
the thing is, bokuto is a really good roomate and kuroo can't go back to eating microwaveable food when bokuto is right there and he makes food for them both after they've fought in public. bokuto also brings home mcdonalds fries he steals at the ends of his shifts. it's perfect.
bokuto is also a bit of a crappy villain, which isn't really his fault. but when you live with your nemesis it's hard to hide your evil plans, especially when that hero can hear you sing in the shower every morning.

it also doesn't help that bokuto will randomly make up plots
on the spot. one time he and kuroo were watching a movie together when he sat up and said "i should rob a bank." kuroo would have questioned it but it happens more than bokuto would like to admit.

you see, kuroo doesn't really need the money. he's a well loved superhero who
can get money from public meetings and advertising. he's alright for money. bokuto however, he works part time at mcdonalds, on minimum wage, he's a little bit broke. so when bokuto robs those banks to help pay for rent? well, it's fine if kuroo let's him get away with
enough to last him for the rest of the month.

but when someone happens to personally know the villain they're facing against, it makes it easy to tell when they're bluffing. those kids bokuto took hostage once? they were in crappy homes and the negotiations he wanted with kuroo
were simply for show so bokuto could tell him.

it's incredibly difficult for kuroo not to be smitten with bokuto, because for a villain, he's the sweetest person alive. kuroo has met his family, bokuto has met kuroo's. hell, they even hang out like normal friends when they
aren't busy being a hero and villain. sometimes kuroo even visits bokuto when he's working to make sure he isn't bored. their friends are each other's friends.

and it makes kuroo wonder how their lives became so entangled together.

if someone doesn't wash the dishes? it will
more than likely end up being a reason for a petty battle as hero and villain. same with hiding the remote somewhere, leaving dirty clothes out, making too much noise when the other is trying to sleep.

they enjoy it, not that either would admit it, they're both a bit stubborn in
that department. but when they patch each other up at home, they will glance up at each other and chuckle softly, because their situation is so dumb, so laughable.

as his regular self, bokuto is the furthest from villain you could get. kuroo has even watched him abandon their
conversation just so he could help an old lady cross the road safely. he literally brings home injured animals to care for them.

they literally have a fur baby together. princess glitter whiskers (name given by bokuto) is the only one kuroo let him keep, he drew the line at one
cat. they simply do not have the money for another one.

it's a strange little setup and routine they have, but kuroo honestly wouldn't change it for the world.

~the end~
yeah i had no idea how to end this but im nearing my stop on the bus i hope you enjoyed my ramblings lmao i dont know if it makes any sense
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