There’s a vital art, in church leadership (as in other fields I imagine), of pitching the ‘tone’ right in gatherings - formal & informal - when events around us are profoundly shaping & complexifying our emotions.
Making space for anger, disappointment, bewilderment & frustration. While also seeking to sustain hope, love & patience, and to help people look for joy.
Rarely is it possible to do all of these simultaneously. Sometimes we can make spaces where all can be named in turn. Often which we do first or last is a challenge. And sometimes we mis-judge the right order, or proportional space/emphasis for each.
Yesterday’s @HodgeHillChurch Zoom ‘coffee & chat’ time was a case in point. I led with ‘joy’, when we needed to start with grief. It jarred. You could feel the dissonance. Thankfully, others tugged us to where we needed to be.
And one of my wonderful colleagues concluded our time together by singing the original (Judy Garland) version of ‘Have yourself a Merry little Christmas’, and brought us to tears. And that made it right.
So prayers, solidarity and much grace with all of you (us) who, in the coming days, have to set the ‘tone’. We’ll get it wrong, as well as right.
But prayers that we’ll listen hard, to strain to hear the song that the angels are singing, with all of its complex harmonies - and join in as much as we’re able.
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