Fr Craig’s GIF of Donald Coggan has made me start typing Archbishops of Canterbury’s names into the GIF search engine and the results are rather marvellous:
Justin Welby: +Justin is sad you don’t love the latest policy initiative from Lambeth Towers.
Rowan Williams: Wrong Rowan. Good use of eyebrows.
George Carey: this was honestly the first thing that came up in the GIF generator. I think it’s hard to beat, don’t you?
Robert Runcie: reflecting what we might think of his time in the office 30+ years on. Though there were a lot of things wrong with the CofE in the 80s.
Donald Coggan was an able linguist (and probably underrated as an archbishop). This is what comes up first when you put his name in the gif search box!
Michael Ramsey: the sainted archbishop. Oversaw the biggest decline in CofE worshippers in recent years. Very good, though quite scholarly on the telly. Had notable eyebrows.
Geoffrey Fisher: my reaction to Fisher fans.
William Temple: actual footage of William Temple talking to a working men’s club somewhere near Manchester.
Cosmo Gordon Lang: the last great Archbishop. Here he is letting Stanley Baldwin know in song and choreography that the supreme governor of the CofE cannot marry a divorcee.
And that’s your lot. Someone else can look up the rest!
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