THREAD: (1) While with the Texas complaint the world is discovering the extent of Google's depravity in ad tech, @DimKatsifis and I had already uncovered most of these practices in a series of articles, which we hope will get further attention.
(2) In a first paper from December 2018, we explained how Google had engaged in a variety of discriminatory practices to the detriment of rivals, as well as charged hidden fees to the detriment of advertisers and publishers.
(3) Then, in October 2019, we debunked Google's arguments that its switch to a unified auction had addressed the concerns we expressed in our first paper.
(4) In May 2020, Google hired consultants to challenge our findings and submitted their rebuttal paper to the ACCC (which is also looking into Google's behavior in ad tech):
(5) We found the criticisms made on our paper extremely weak (if not misleading) and produced in June 2020 a detailed response which we submitted to the ACCC.
(6) We also expressed our concerns about Google's decision to phase out third-party cookies on Chrome, not because we are opposed to privacy but because this move could further harm competition in ad tech markets.
(7) We further substantiated these concerns in a detailed paper analysing the Google's Privacy Sandbox (interestingly, the CMA is now looking into the Sandbox)
(8) What is truly new in the Texas complaint is the collusion between Google and Facebook to undermine Header Bidding and distort competition in Open Bidding. That is a Section 1 office that could put these companies in very sertious trouble.
(End) Now, multiple competition authorities are looking into ad tech and more bad practices are likely to be identified.
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