I really think it's time officials address the fact that while masks are important they've somehow turned into a false sense of security/immunity in peoples minds where people assume that germs dont exist on surfaces or anywhere EXCEPT the air exiting the mouth/nose
I havent seen tweets reminding people to sanitize/wash their hands/steering wheel/other commonly used surfaces like card machines and door handles in public places but i see 500 tweets a day about masks...the mask wont magically save you...? You have to take other precautions too
Like i see people justifying going out daily bc they wear a mask..... bb no that is not the point like hello the masks are supposed to protect people who have to be out theyre not magic immunity bc you wanna go out to party every single day... do yall really not understand germs
C*vid isnt just a magic germ that works differently than all other germs like why is there such a severe disconnect? Did none of you ever understand germs before or do you just think this ones different?
This thread brought to you by a tweet i just saw that said the OP saw two people out kissing through their masks.... worms for brains. Truly. Its not a magic barrier i am begging anyone to use their critical thinking skills please
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