1/n Ankita in her insta post stated that she never said it was a murder, then why the hell is she here for justice in the first place? She clarified that she supports the Maharashtra govt/police, then what kind of justice is she here for in SSR case? #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
2/n In the post, Ankita is creating a narrative that SSR was a druggie. She wants to prove that Rhea was "supporting" the drug abuse that SSR was doing. However, his PM or viscera report showed no presence of drugs. Ankita needs to apologize now! #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
3/n Ankita again subtly wants to make a point that she thinks SSR committed suicide by saying that consuming drugs would deteriorate SSR's health that he would suicide, which he has allegedly done. Is she here for SSR's justice or to set a narrative? #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
4/n Ankita here stated that Rhea had informed SSR's family about his mental health treatment, my question is to the family. Why did they not clarify that SSR was undergoing treatment? Why did they not stop Rhea from giving him antipsychotic drugs? #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
5/n Ankita mentioned that this is all "Karma/Fate," does she think it's okay that we're coming to know about Rhea's truth at the cost of Sushant's death? Who's karma/fate is she talking about? SSR's fate that he died, his karma that he left Ankita? #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
6/n Finally, if this drama of Ankita wasn't enough or visible, Shweta had liked this post by Ankita on Instagram. I want to know if Shweta would like a post blindly just coz it's from Ankita even though it shows that Ankita thinks it's NOT a murder.. #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
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