Because there’s too much people talking rubbish about #TheMandalorian season 2, how it’s not very original or too fan-servicey, here are some novel things in Star Wars this show did this year in each chapter:
Chapter 9: Expanding on the glimpses into the Sandpeople’s culture (and struggle) from ch5, we see for the first time how humans and sandpeople work together (incl. some critique on colonialism!)
Chapter 10: Peyton Reed reconstructs Star Wars as a horror franchise, something we haven’t seen in live-action before. Bonus: our (human) hero spends the bulk of the episode with a puppet and someone in a rubber alien costume.
Chapter 11: The first crossover from animation to live-action in Star Wars and that Froglady/Frogman domestics, using aliens not as a background but as something furthering a lead character’s arc (who happens to be a puppet…)
Chapter 12: Despite the comedy, we see a school in Star Wars and children sitting in class. Star Wars sometimes touches the ”ordinary“ but more often than not shies away from it. This was good and grounded the show.
Chapter 13: We often talk about the Samurai/Kurosawa influence in Star Wars but outside of TLJ there’s no live-action SW that committed so. damn. much to it. Yes, it was over-stylized, but it looked unlike anything we usually see. Bonus: two women fighting against each other!
Chapter 14: One on one action in Star Wars is often not that well done (outside of lightsaber fights), so it was a welcome surprise to see fast and rough (!) action executed superbly in this episode by Robert Rodriguez.
Chapter 15: Not only did this episode double down on notions of colonialism and imperialism, something we only saw in Rogue One on the big screen, but also gave us an intense drama scene between Burr, Brake and Pascal. Hats off to Rick Famuyiwa.
Chapter 16: The only Star Wars were four (!) women, as core characters, are going on a rampage against Stormtroopers, with two of them being WOC, and two being 40 or older. And this was no ”girl power“ one-off but built organically over several episodes.
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