1 @LueElizondo on @coasttocoastam with @g_knapp - 12/20/20 - "As I told Lue about an hour ago, let's make some waves." ~GK
2 GK: When I saw you (Lue) had signed up with Twitter, I thought you had lost it. 😀

Lue: Most endearing aspect of social media has been #ufotwitter! Very dedicated group of folks, many who take this subject of #UFOs/ #UAP very seriously.
3 GK: On Twitter, ur now engaging with people who took shots at you in the past and who took the word of the Pentagon when it came to claims about you. Have things settled down?

Lue: Social media has allowed me to handle "haters" & to address their concerns, if they're genuine.
4 LE: There are still pockets of resistance in the Pentagon but not as bad as a few years ago. The pockets of resistance (the kind who say AATIP didn't look at UFOs) make the Pentagon look bad. Lue gave briefings to senior DoD personnel when he ran AATIP.
5 We've come a long way in three years.

Lue won't break his security oath and risk prison.

GK mentions @Debriefmedia story about the encounters between F-18s and UAP. Also, he mentions the photo that some feel is a Batman balloon.

LE: The photo was taken from inside an F-18.
6 From an IPhone. That wasn't the only photo. Don't look at each individual incident but look at the trend. These sightings/encounters have continued to happen even as recently as the last few months. If that pic was a Batman balloon, then great, we've figured it out! But there
7 are other cases/photos.

The UAP Task Force will, hopefully, help us get to the bottom of this mystery. Mentions Japan wanting to get onboard with this effort of trying to investigate this phenomenon. Lue says there is still conjecture about whether the pic is a Batman balloon
8 or not. He says he is agnostic on the matter. Maybe they provided an answer and it IS a balloon.

GK mentions the altitude limit of toy balloons.

LE: It hasn't been proven to be a balloon. Various people have different opinions on the what that photo represents. I have been
9 told that the F-18 folks got a lot closer to that object. That's @UfoJoe11 saying that and not Lue or GK.

But yeah, it's just one case/encounter.

10 The person who told me the F-18s got a lot closer to the object (in the photo that The Debrief published) also told me that he/she doesn't believe the object was a balloon.

Back to Lue...

GK: Asks how/why the photo in question is classified if taken from a pilot's smartphone
11 Lue: If your pic shows sources & methods or data that is classified then that may be why.

GK asks about the alleged triangle UFO coming out of the water.

Lue: I'm confident the photo exists. Confusion in gov't about whether that incident took place but Lue has spoken to
12 sources who confirm it took place. And, it might even be a still from a video. (!!!) Maybe this pic is too sensitive for the gov't to discuss? For what reasons? He won't speculate. 100% confident it was a real event. These events happen all the time but make sure you look at
13 the trends and not just a specific encounter. There's a whole bunch of incidents that the American people have no idea about. Lue recommends watching @PhenomenonMovie. It's something that's been occurring for decades and decades and gov't is finally taking it seriously.
14 Other governments, too.

GK: Navy has been great at helping protect pilots who want to come forward with their encounters. But where the heck is the Air Force?

Lue's opinion: He asked the same thing when in AATIP. His personal belief is the AF has backed itself into a corner.
15 They own the air space and are supposed to be dominant. Project Blue Book, which they ran, came to the conclusion that there was nothing to see here. Well, if it turns out there IS something, why did they (AF) get it so wrong back then? THAT is what people will ask them.
16 Maybe the AF faced political pressure back then and were told not to admit that something in our skies could fly circles around them?

GK: Let's talk UAP Task Force. Waiting for $$$ from budget so they can expand.
17 Lue has served with folks who are currently with UAPTF. I think we need to tamper out expectations. It's a process & not an event. People have false hopes that Disclosure is here and the government is about ready to spill the beans. Ummm, no. Take a deep breath and sit back.
18 Could the UAPTF get some robustly funded? Yes. Time will tell.

Lue recaps: Three videos, classified briefings to Congress. Pentagon admits AATIP was real and studied UAPs, videos are real & objects are UAP, military personnel coming forward with their stories. Former CIA Dir
19 John Brennan said these things are real and may not be from here. We've come very far in 3 years. Establishing the UAPTF was huge. Members of Congress saying these things are real and may not be here.

GK: Never thought I'd see it. Amazing progress in 3 years.
20 Were the briefings to Congress a hot ticket? What happens if too many people get briefed? Will it be a case of too many chefs in the kitchen where Congress might leak info?

Lue doesn't think so. Praises @marcorubio and his willingness to look into this. UAPTF is temporary. We
21 need something that is enduring and will be around for a very long time. That should include some of the brightest scientists in the country.

22 Knapp asks if we can we solve this mystery by just looking at military encounters with UFOs or do we need to expand our horizons (like AAWSAP did) and look at other topics like poltergeists & Bigfoot that seem to be connected to close encounter cases. (Read John Keel!)
23 Back with Lue. GK asks about AAWSAP casting a very wide net and looking into topics that made people uncomfortable bc they were too weird.

Lue: We can't solve the mystery by just looking at UFOs. But there were limitations as to what you can do with a government program. They
24 can't talk to commercial pilots. But now, with TTSA & "Unidentified," they can. (This isn't exactly the point GK was making and Lue just admitted that. :-) ) Lue wasn't in a position of authority in AAWSAP but Lue knows them. For their reasons, they wanted to cast a wide net
25 and it was focused when it morphed into AATIP.

Would you go back to work on UAPTF if they asked? Lue not sure he ever left. If he was asked to go back, he'd have to talk to family, @SenatorReid & @ChristopherKMe4 and ask them what they think. If he WERE to go back, his number
26 one priority would be transparency to the American public. He would make a TON of changes. He'd break down the barriers that stigma (about UFOs) can cause.

GK: Would you know where to look for certain information that may be being kept hidden?

Lue: Yes!
27 GK: What's up with TTSA?

Lue: I can't speak for TTSA. I love my friends at TTSA but my mission was always to push disclosure forward. I think we've done that. TTSA focuses on entertainment. Myself, Chris and Justice aren't entertainers. Time has come to shift into 2nd gear.
28 GK: Anything new with TTSA, the Army (CRADA) and materials?

Lue: You need to go to TTSA and the board for those answers. But also need to ask the Army and include them in the convo.

Lue: Critics complain I don't have anything new to say. He says most of what he says is done
29 behind the scenes. Not a Kiss & Tell kind of guy.

GK: Not holding my breath for Disclosure. Some expect that.

Lue: Tamper down ur expectations. We all have different views on what success means. Some feel a landing on the WH lawn as Disclosure and others see it differently.
30 Lue: Impossible to talk UAP openly without letting our adversaries find out about it, too. Other countries are in this race with us and some don't have our best interests at heart. Lue remembers Jim Clapper speaking on...how to balance need to provide info. w/need to protect.
31 Lue: Russia and UAP - Struggling to discuss without giving anything away. They are always trying to find the information gaps & very capable and extremely sophisticated.

Last commercial break.
32 OK, I may have to finish the last half hour tomorrow. I'm on hold to ask Lue a question and I think you guys know what I want to ask about. 😀
33 Will finish tomorrow, first thing in morning.

Lue once again talks about shifting into 2nd gear. What does that mean? He doesn't know. Seems like he's done with History Channel and "Unidentified." Wants to take convo global to the international stage.
34 Lue asked if he looked into Roswell and downed craft.

Lue: Yes. Absolutely.
35 GK: Are you encouraged about what can happen in 2021? Did you ever get to have (UFO) convo w/General Mattis? If not, would you like to have it in the future?

Lue: Mattis is a hero. I'm pretty sure he knows the situation and I won't go into details but I briefed senior people
36 that worked in and around him. I briefed them on a regular and routine basis and I know that when I resigned, it was a bit of a surprise for him. How does he feel now about the topic? You'd have to ask him.

Lue talks about how important George has been to this entire effort.
37 Lue: George Knapp was instrumental on various levels.

* * * * *

More tomorrow! Liked what Lue said about Eric Davis. Admiral Wilson and SAPs.
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