What is China Energy Company Limited (CEFC)❓
Who are Ye Jianming, Gongwon Dong, & Patrick Ho❓
How did Biden profit from China's One Belt Road while helping Russia's Rosneft Oil Company bypass US sanctions❓

A thread below.🔥🔻
2/ Founded in 2002, CEFC China Energy Company Limited (CEFC China) was the largest private oil and gas company in China. CEFC had ties to the Communist Party & was part of China's One Belt Road effort to acquire financial control over countries worldwide.🔻
3/ In 2017, it ranked 34th on the Fortune Global 500 Energy List with a business revenue of approx. $41.8 billion and a workforce of nearly 50,000. The company developed an international presence in Russia, Central Asia, Central and East Europe, the Middle East and Africa.🔻
4/ While Chinese state-owned businesses confer prestige in China — the optics of China's state-backed giants marching into a country to buy and extract oil weren't so great overseas. This paved the way for private, under-the-radar firms like CEFC.🔻
5/ CEFC's oil deals and investments were part of China's geopolitical ambitions & President Xi Jinping's One Belt Road initiative. These investments have largely meshed with China's strategy to court other countries through infrastructure & energy investment.🔻
6/ In 2017, CEFC emerged from obscurity to a major player in China's global ambitions, scooping up valuable natural resources & businesses in energy & finance. The Chinese conglomerate obtained a historic $9 billion stake in Rosneft (14.16%), a Russian state-owned energy giant.🔻
7/ Ye Jianming, CEFC's founder said the Rosneft purchase was mainly driven by China's One Belt Road Initiative. While Rosneft boss, Igor Sechin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was keen to attract foreign investments to relieve the pressure of US sanctions.🔻
9/ In these text messages, Biden wrote that he and Ye Jianming had a "solid" relationship. Biden added that he was the CEFC chairman's "personal counsel" and Ye “has me helping him on a number of his personal issues,” including for “staff visas and some more sensitive things.”🔻
10/ On Sept. 8, 2017, the day the CEFC - Rosneft deal was announced, Hunter applied for a credit line to Hudson West III, an entity owned by Ye Jianming. CEFC had already wired $5 million to the account & Hunter, James, & Sara Biden became authorized credit card users.🔻
11/ The 87-page Senate report goes into further detail on a decade of numerous financial transactions between Biden and Chinese nationals with "deep connections" to the "Communist Chinese government" & the "People's Liberation Army".🔻
12/ In 2013, Hunter accompanied VP Joe on his trip to China. While Joe was there to negotiate on behalf of US interest, Hunter was there to finalize a $1.5B private-equity deal with China's gov. Here @dineshdsouza and @peterschweizer discuss this deal in the "Trump Card".🔻
14/ While on the topic, Joe Biden regularly promises to "eliminate fracking" in the US, while his son is making millions from, Burisma, a Ukrainian fracking company. Apparently, "climate change" & "fossil fuels" aren't an issue when a Biden-family member is making money.🔻
15/ CEFC, the Chinese energy conglomerate with global ambitions & enormous wealth came crashing down in Nov. of 2017. According to the Justice Department, Patrick Ho flew to New York in fall 2014, with the intention of bribing African officials on behalf of CEFC.🔻
16/ In meetings at the United Nations, Mr. Ho, laid the groundwork for millions of dollars of payments to the president of Chad and Uganda's foreign minister in exchange for oil rights in the two countries, federal prosecutors say.🔻
17/ It's important to remember Patrick Ho, Gongwen Dong, & Ye Jianming are Biden's business partners. In an Aug. 2017 email, Robert Biden wrote that Ye Jianming, had agreed to a "rate of $10M per year for a three year guarantee total of $30M" for "introductions alone".🔻
18/ Hunter Biden called his father, Joe Biden, and his Chinese business partner “office mates” in a Sept. 2017 email. “Please have keys made available for new office mates,” Before listing Joe Biden, his stepmother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden, and Gongwen Dong.🔻
19/ In this recording of Hunter Biden, he claims to represent "Dr. Patrick Ho" who he also calls the "the spy chief of China". Hunter refers to Ye Jianming, the Chairman of CEFC, as "my partner". When Patrick Ho was arrested in Mar. 2019, his first call was to James Biden.🔻
20/ Tony Bobulinski, the former CEO of a Biden-CEFC linked business came forward in October & released documents, signed agreements, text messages, & recorded calls from the Biden family. These documents show Joe Biden was involved & profiting from these Chinese foreign deals.🔻
23/ In conclusion, I would like to ask @realDonaldTrump, are US presidents allowed to have "deep connections" and "financial ties" to the "One Belt Road", the "Communist Chinese government", and the "People's Liberation Army"❓ Or is @JoeBiden a national security threat❓
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