I was super optimistic about the first stimulus bill...this one...more meh.

1. Stimulus checks are $166B. $600 for anyone under $75K income.
2. Unemployment benefit extension is $122B. $300 for 11 weeks.
3. PPP 2.0 is $325B.

Those are the big bazookas.

It's a little disappointing in that it doesn't target the people who need it most. The checks are a gimmick that reduced the size and length of the overall stimulus.

All said, it's a big package and better than nothing.
Good thread here from Ernie with some more detail. https://twitter.com/ernietedeschi/status/1340882792113160193?s=19
This would be a very good improvement in the PPP. Also sounds like restaurants and hospitality will be more targeted. https://twitter.com/Zachary/status/1340852214269693952?s=19
Last thought - I think people *should* be mad about this. Not because it's small. It's big. But it should have been *much* bigger.

But Pelosi couldn't let Trump get a win before the election & McConnell has gutted the recent Dem proposals.

American politics. What a cluster f.
Fantastic thread here by Jeff. https://twitter.com/CPAPlanner/status/1341111472269746180?s=19
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