Now onto a astrological point. The GREAT CONJUNCTION what a time to be alive‼️‼️ Dec 17th saturn move into Aquarius and Dec 19th Jupiter followed behind. Then finally these 2 giants planets will connect as exactly 0° Aquarius tomorrow. This will free the 3d world from us that has
been keeping us slaves for the last 200 years. Aquarius is heightening this energy to maximize the intensity of what is occurring. Both of these planets will be so close elipitically that they will look like one giant 🌟 . The last time this happen was 1400 years ago during the
Renaissance era 😳. The new era that we are entering will be a time when the creative self is emphasized. In Aquarius, it may manifest in the form of advanced technological creativity. This Great conjunction is about the journey of self-mastery that ultimately enables us to
contribute to everyone in a form of positive support. A time of creating connections with others on common ground. Aquarius is an individualist. A highly independent sign that is also fundamentally concerned about society at large. The symbol of the water bearer encourages
freedom in the expression of self no matter what. Equalitarian is the core and this is a sign that opens us up to co create and to connect with people of the same frequencies. To vibrate with our tribe. The very thing that we have been restricted from in the year2020. Saturn
communicates on a social global level but we need to be connected to our future self. This planet is ruler of time and this will dictate the structure of our everyday life in a completely different way. Remember we will be in 5d 😊. Jupiter helps us find innovative ways to over
come the obstacles in our path. Saturn will testing the effectiveness of these choices we make to make sure they work. Both of these planets will balance out in a symbolic relationship but Saturn is still in charge 😏. Uranus will square with Saturn in 2021 through the whole year
and this will seem like shaky ground at first but shocking events will happen fast. Saturn is forcing this planet to challenge us to open our minds to new technology and different ways we need to connect to others. 2020 taught we need to connect and 2021 will teach us how.
Saturn and Jupiter are our spirtual connectors and they both will help humanity move on from a loss to new possibilities and teach us how to manifest what we need and want. Wisdom and soul growth are obtained from struggle ✨ we just need to come to together to heal 🙏
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