Hello! This Christmas is pretty shit, isn't it? What you need is the ADHD guide to coping with crap. Yes, really. The ADHD brain is built to deal with crisis and we're also the experts at having to learn to tolerate boredom and emotional pain. So read on for some genuine tips...
1. Live in the moment. No, not in the wanky new age sense, just focus on today only. With ADHD, today is always experienced like it's the only day that's ever existed. Don't think about the long-term, or even the end of the week. Just today. Keep your feelings about today alone
2. Chase the Dopamine. God knows we all need extra dopamine right now. Actively seek to keep doing little things to give you a boost. That might be wanking, watching old films, painting, dancing, whatever. Just keep a steady stream of things that give you a buzz going.
3. Lower your standards about housework. Give yourself a break! If there's one silver lining to this miserable Xmas, it's that no-one else is going to see (or judge) your home. So relax. No-one died because they had stacks of books on the sofa or left the washing-up overnight.
4. Distract yourself when you start to feel sad, scared, etc. ADHDers feel things incredibly intensely but not for long. Something always distracts us after a while. So really feel those feelings - but put things in place to break you out of it after a while. It works.
5. Embrace mundane chaos. You've got to learn to cope when things change or are up in the air. Try not to care too much about how things *should be* and focus on making the best of how they actually are. Do what works for now, change the rules. Pick yourself up and keep going.
I hope that any of what I've said here can help at least one person in some way. They might seem small things, but they will help you cope, trust me. I've been shielding (and homeschooling) since March and I'm still sane, so I'm proof that they work. Be kind to yourselves ❤️
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