Ok. So to recap —On January 6th-electoral votes are submitted on Capital Hill—-the President of the Senate, who is actually Vice President Pence, counts those electoral votes. The counting can be stopped for a time if a US Representative and a US Senator submit an objection in
writing. Then all kinds of things can happen —much of it outlined in the Electoral Count Act of 1887. So far, at least two members of the house have promised to raise objections, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Mo Brooks of Alabama. No Senator that I know of has promised to formally
object. So I’ve written emails to dozens of them asking them to do so. Sending emails is tricky because the system seems designed to keep us away from directly contacting holders of high office. And I don’t trust this silly “fill out this online form” to send
lawmaker so and so your concerns. So I wrote to lower-level staffers whose email addresses are publicly available online, asking them to forward my message to the Senator. I will share with you those addresses in a moment. My advice on the emails: be courteous. We are asking
them to do this, angry demands will backfire. We are asking that they formally object to the electoral count which should initiate further investigation and debate. I’m not sharing with you my message to them because or I think it’s better that we each speak “from the heart” -
It’s very tedious and time consuming sending these, but I think worth it ! Remember the message to the senators: please join forces with House Members on January 6th to call for further discussion, debate and investigation into the November 3rd election. I just will be posting
Email addresses that I used shortly. Thank you and good luck. Greg Kelly, US CITIZEN
You can follow @gregkellyusa.
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