Democrats would do well to get into the habit of leading with a qualifier, the likes of which @AOC made here that I highlighted, when responding to GOP concerns about the so-called "deficit."

We cannot validate the premise that "the deficit" is an actual problem.
The "deficit" is the LAST reason that we need to tax the rich.

We should tax the rich because we don't want to live in an oligarchy, regardless of the tax's effect on the so-called "deficit."
As Doctor Kelton says, just pointing out GOP hypocrisy on "the deficit" is not enough, not when we still live in a society in which most people still think that "the deficit" is an actual problem.
I mean, if there weren't any "budget deficits," would you say, "nah, it's cool, we don't need to tax billionaires"? No, you wouldn't. That would be idiotic.
So, do like Ocasio-Cortez and say, "if you care about deficits so much," to signify that it's not an actual problem, to signify that YOU know that it is not an actual problem, to signify that it is merely a petty concern of those who raise the objection.
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