Today's #Timeless rewatch found our team at 1950's Hungnam evacuation -The Miracle of Christmas What happened in our timeline? #SaveTimeless

🌟Dec 9 to Christmas Eve, nearly 100 vessels transported 105,000 military + 100,000 civilian refugees from Hungnam to Busan in South
Korean War:
✅North Korea invaded South Korea June 1950
✅Though many felt conflict would only last a few days, Armistice not until July 1953
🌟Resulted in 2million casualties -incl 10% of Korea’s pre-war population
🌟Created the 250mile x 2.5mile DMZ
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Korean War cont'd
🌟Was problematic to image the US wanted to project during Cold War, so it received relatively little US media attention
🌟US Pres Truman called it “Korean Police Action" not war
🌟Lack of attention remains-now called “Forgotten War”
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Chosin Reservoir:

🌟120,000 Chinese troops surrounded 30,000 UN forces incl XCorps -made up of US Army, Marine, and the ROK Army
🌟UN had18,000 casualties, including 2500 killed and 8000 suffering frostbite
🌟20,000-30,000 Chinese were lost

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Chosin Reservoir continued:

✅In freezing temps, ice, and knee-deep snow, the UN forces escaped, fighting their way 70m from Chosin Reservoir to the Port of Hungnam

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Hungnam Evacuation:
🌟Was the UN’s 1st Humanitarian rescue operation
✅Largest seaborn and military evacuation of civilians in combat conditions in US history

✅Estimated that there are 1 million descendants of those saved at Hungnam living today

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✅Kim Il-sung'sRegime persecuted any thought to be US/ROK Collaborators, Christians, or Anti-Communists
✅Hearing rumors of chance for escape, tens of thousands made journey to Hungnam carrying belongings-often across mountains and through enemy lines
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🌟General MacArthur ordered evacuation of all MILITARY personnel/equipment from Port-refugees considered a security risk
✅But Hungnam leadership-Col Forney, Dr Hyun, Gen Almond, Adm Doyle-worked tirelessly to ensure all refugees in port were able to escape N Korea
Hyun Bong-hak:
🌟A doctor, born just 10 miles from Hungnam
✅Acting as interpreter and civilian affairs officer for the US Army
Marine Col Edward H Forney:
✅Was the officer responsible for evacuation logistics and loading on the ground at Hungnam
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🌟Almost all usable vehicles/supplies were evacuated from Hungnam
✅Remaining supplies in the Port of Hungnam were purposefully destroyed in large explosion Dec24th
✅Joint SouthKorea/US/UN leadership wanted to see port made inoperable to the Chinese
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SS Meredith Victory
✅A Merchant Marine cargo ship, was designed to hold fewer than 60 people
✅Capt Leonard LaRue and crew carried 14,000 to freedom in cargo hold
🌟3 day journey from Hungnam to island of Goeje, 30 miles south of Busan, SouthKorea
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✅5 babies born onboard during 3day journey -ship’s crew nicknamed infants “Kimchi”
✅Current SouthKorean President Moon Jae-in’s parents were rescued on the Meredith Victory
🌟In Guinness book of records
Learn more: 
#Timeless 12/16
Marcus Garvey:
🌟Born in Jamaica in 1887
🌟Noted civil rights activist and writer, he founded the Negro World newspaper, began the Universal Negro Improvement Association in 1914, and was leader of the Pan-Africanism movement

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Holiday Bonus-Inspired by Agent Christopher's family contest:
🌟1st mass-produced as “Jingle Bell Sweaters” in 1980s
🌟Often featured in 1980s sitcoms, they were meant as fashionable - but changing tastes mean they're now “Ugly” Christmas Sweaters!
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