So I recently got a prescription for legal weed and I’m here to talk about it in this handy dandy thread because it’s pretty opaque about how you get access to legal cannabis in NZ.
Firstly you need to book in an appointment to get a script. You can go to your gp but they may have no chill or idea what to do.

There’s a couple of cannabis friendly practices that do zoom consults who can hook you up.

One is Green Doctors 
I went to the Cannabis Clinic because you can use their dispensary and not have to pay for repeats 

You book an appointment online and pay before your zoom. First consult is expensive (but no repeat charge). You get the zoom link once you’ve booked
Part of the booking process you’ll give your medical history.

On the day you click the zoom link and you’ll meet up with your doctor. They say hi and talk about their background and then you talk about your medical history
I wanted access to legal weed because I consume a lot of opiates and I wanted to tone that down because of many reasons. My doctor advised me that there’s different types of product. There is CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD, and Full Spectrum CBD
Broad spectrum has some cannabinoids and Full spectrum includes a non psychoactive level of THC. I was advised that I would likely benefit from a full spectrum CBD product. I was also advised that if I needed I could access THC products with the application of a special authority
From the Ministry of Health. They do that if CBD products aren’t giving the desired benefits.

Then I could go to the online dispensary and buy stuff and get it sent to me. Most of the stuff is in oil format but the Cannabis Clinic also have a cream, gummies and vape juice
It’s definitely not cheap, and there’s a such a small range of product available. You can go to your local pharmacy but they may not stock any. You can’t import from overseas because that option was closed earlier this year
This makes medical cannabis really fucking hard to access in an affordable manner because we have no strong consumer ability to drive prices down.

Access to cannabis flower may become an option in the near year from what I hear.

And that’s it fam. Any questions hmu
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