look, I'm not a big fan of mindlessly defending the US government, but everyone being all shocked about the US and Ukraine voting against a UN resolution re: Nazism and many nations abstaining, maybe take a brief moment to read the explanation: https://usun.usmission.gov/explanation-of-vote-on-a-resolution-on-the-glorification-of-nazism/
I guess I just think we might have a slightly higher level of discourse if we saw news headlines like "53 of 183 countries either abstained or voted no on a resolution condemning Nazism" and thought "I wonder why" rather than "aha, they must be Nazis"
Russia's been introducing the same dang resolution annually for years, and the US' argument is that it enables them to do stuff like this: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/03/04/putin-ukraine_n_4895348.html
here's a good thread on it: https://twitter.com/phoenixtheblade/status/1339991494355267585
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