ORNL scientist quoted as saying "It's true, China will be paying my salary" https://www.google.com/books/edition/Sellout/BdksDgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=China%20will%20be%20paying%20my%20salary and main Chinese liaison for the project stating "...the collaboration isn’t exactly a partnership, because the funding contributions are not equal."

Of course, all $5M from China, and all work from ORNL. Possible, several such projects funded by CCP all over U.S. See video:

Question is, if CCP thinks this is an important technology and investing resources to the tune of billions of dollars, shouldn't the U.S. be taking it seriously? Not if you ask @DOE_NE1 who told me that the sunk costs of the project justify its continuation.

Meanwhile, the US invented the technology, of course, and several companies like mine want to develop this technology in earnest. But the DOE is hellbent on destroying our only leg up on the Chinese (our unique U-233 inventory) because of the sunk costs.

Meanwhile they tell you here's your 600 dollars, shut up and sit down.

Truly makes you wonder whose side they are on...

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