the reason we don't have adequate stimulus aid and spending is white people.

lots of people don't really want to hear that, but it's the truth.
Republicans are a white identity party that win elections because our system disproportionately favors white people who live in rural areas from which Black people were removed largely through terrorism.
Republicans hate stimulus spending because as a white identity party there whole purpose is to impoverish and immiserate POC.
they worry any aid will go to the unworthy, ie, to Black people and POC. so they throttle it.
living in a white supremacist country is a disaster for everyone. rarely has this been clearer than right now.
those two GA seats are the difference between trillions of dollars in aid and nothing, probably.
will white people in GA win and plunge us into a decade of recession, or will Black people win and allow the government to help everyone?
given this country's history I'm afraid to hope.
there are stimulus measures Biden could take as executive action. forgive student debt. mint trillion dollar coins and use them to pay down state debt nationwide. I am...skeptical he'd do those things.
but republicans should be eager to get their constituents aid. it shouldn't be a problem.

but it is because their party is a hateful racist garbage fire.
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