Welcome to the ramblings of a BNHA fan that just wants more content of the girls. Because people seemed to like my thoughts about vigilante Ochako and Togachako.

...Now I get to talk about an arc I now really want. The Vigilante 1-A Girls Arc.

#BNHAspoilers #BNHAgirls #BNHA
With hero society taking a big hit thanks to this current arc, and people most likely losing trust in UA, it could be possible that the school shuts down. Or at least be out of session for a long while as everything gets chaotic.
Because a lot of the main characters are in bad shape with this arc, the boys are either resting or training (in other hero schools, running off to America, or also being vigilantes but off doing their own thing). The girls of 1-A stick together. Because we need more content.
This arc could be structured like My Villain Academia, with the girls having their backstories explored more and quirks evolve with their development. The League is currently recovering from its losses from the war arc so they won’t be directly fighting them.
My guess is that the girls would be going against the Creature Rejection Clan, with the Clan trying to get more power. They would target the girls because of the mutant quirks in 1-A. And possibly trying to get some of them onto their side.
My guess that their main targets would be Mina, Tsuyu, Mezo, Mashirao, and Fumikage. Their first targets, however, will be the girls. Possibly because the Clan would have false beliefs that the girls would be easier to beat.
The girls eventually learn more about the flaws of hero society which is what leads them to become vigilantes. If Midnight is dead, since her fate is still unclear, they could choose to become heroes in spite of being told not to honor the legacy of their fallen teacher.
Momo becomes the leader of the girls because of the legacy of Midnight. Also, they would all trust her because of Momo's status as their vice president.
There can be many possible mentors for the girls during this arc, with the most likely for me being La Brava or Ragdoll. Other possible options are Ms. Joke, Bubble Girl, or Pop Step. Or maybe even Mirko, still injured, or Fuyumi.
Also, the girls of 1-B, Mei, Mawata, Camie, or Yuyu can help as well. Maybe also Nejire depending on how much damage she has taken. Also, this could be a good time to make Yuyu and Nejire canon. Because I see you Horikoshi, you’re not slick.
Now onto the fun part. Further analyzing the girls, predicting their struggles and backstory, and their role in the arc. Because I love all of them and they need more love from the story itself.
Starting with Mina, her arc is learning how to accept and overcome her fear. She has a lot of anxiety, shown with her reaction to Machia this current arc. There is possibly some other trauma in her past, possibly dealing with bullying due to her mutation quirk.
With her freezing during the fight with Machia, Mina could even feel some guilt about the damage Machia has caused. She would think that maybe if she didn’t mess up, all of those people hurt and killed in those cities would still be living happy lives.
During times of high stress in the group, Mina could be good at dealing with conflict, as she has been shown before to have people bond over dance. Also, the girls can learn how to view Mina less as an airhead because of contributions to the group.
Mina’s reason for dancing can be further explored since I believe that there is something more to it with how much more serious Mina acts when she is training. Mina could even help train the girls with the physical side of fighting since she is the girl that is the strongest.
In her ultimate fight, Mina could possibly go against a bigger opponent who is a lot like Machia. At first, Mina is almost defeated by her anxiety, but, this time, Mina accepts herself and her past, leading to the plan succeeding.
Next is Tsuyu, who would be the hardest to convince to become a vigilante. Tsuyu would most likely be convinced by seeing the actions of the commission and Endeavor and seeing how much families get hurt by their actions. Because of Tsuyu’s motherly nature, this could work.
Another thing that could convince Tsuyu to act is the danger her family would be in if the Clan are the villains. They could be directly targeting the Asuis thanks to their continued line of frog-like appearances.
Due to Tsuyu’s maturity, I believe she would be second-in-command to Momo. Maybe even leading a group of the girls if they happen to be split up during their time fighting the villains. Not being used to this much responsibility, could lead to us seeing a different side of Tsuyu
Tsuyu’s loneliness with her youth, along with her friendship with Habuko, could be further explored. She could open up with the other girls about the hardships and possibly bullying that came from her appearance.
Tsuyu learns how to stop viewing the world as purely black and white and how to be more emotionally open to others. Maybe also how to be less blunt in situations that do not require that trait.
Now for my girl Ochako Uraraka. I have already talked a lot about vigilante Ochako and I will never stop talking about vigilante Ochako. Her main reason for becoming a vigilante would be realizing that villains are humans because of her interactions with Toga.
Because of Ochako’s money troubles, she can help a lot with the girl’s time on the run. They would not have access to a lot of supplies, even with Momo’s quirk. She can also teach them more about martial arts.
Ochako’s backstory would further delve into the struggles that the poor have to face in hero society. If done correctly, it could be a very good commentary about how much society makes those that it deems not fit suffer.
This can lead to them finding out more about how corrupt hero society is. Also, how misogynistic heroes can be, helped by Momo’s experiences during her internship. Many view girls like Ochako as weak when they are in fact strong.
They are fighting for reform, while the LoV are fighting for the destruction of that society. Which could make the two revolutionary forces good foils. Seeing these two groups fight each other would also be really cool.
Ochako’s arc would be mostly saved for a later arc, when she is given the chance to interact with Toga and the other members of the LoV. I believe Ochako is the key for redeeming Toga because of my Togachako shipping heart.
Onto Kyoka Jiro, she is sadly the girl that I have the least amount on. Sorry my precious Kyoka, I just need some more inspiration for you. Kyoka would definitely be very punk rock in this arc...and there’s probably going to be a lot of Momojirou.
Kyoka will focus more on her past as well, outside of her parents and her love of music. She could also potentially be targeted by the Clan because of her uniquely shaped ears.
For her character arc, Kyoka also learns how to open up more. Although Kyoka now accepts her hobbies because of the sports festival, she still needs to learn more about letting people in. Kyoka and Tsuyu can learn together how to put down their walls.
And now that I’m thinking about it, Kyoka should interact with Pop Step. I now want to see a concert arranged by the two of them. Perhaps they organize a concert to lighten the spirit of a devastated public and to get more people onto their side?
Onto the girl that we know the least about but I have a lot of thoughts on, Toru Hagakure. All we know about her is that she’s super cheerful, always invisible, and friends with Mashirao Ojiro…
So yes this arc will explore Toru a lot. Though I only have theories about what it could possibly explore with her if the theory that Toru is the UA traitor is correct. This is a pretty popular theory and I believe that there’s a large chance that this will be happening.
Also, the theory that there is more to Toru’s quirk than meets the eye is important to my thoughts as well. Because Horikoshi said he has not found the right time to explain Toru’s quirk which is very suspicious.
Being a part of LoV, Toru is temporarily put on hiatus as her status as the traitor. She goes with the girls to keep an eye on them. During this time, Toru could truly connect to her classmates, and that could eventually end up with them figuring out Toru’s status as a traitor.
I personally believe Toru is faking her personality so far and that would lead to us figuring out more about the real Toru. I think Toru is a very cunning person since she has been able to trick everybody into thinking she is a hero.
Also, Mashirao is either another traitor or somebody she befriended even though she knows that it would not be good for her. If Mashirao is not involved with villains, it could hint at Toru’s heart of gold.
With Toru being a villain, it could also make the girls more sympathetic to them, especially since Toru could explain how LoV is really like. But, at first, the other girls would be understandably angry with Toru putting their lives in peril over and over.
Personally, I believe they would accept Toru after she saves them from an attack from the villains of this arc. Maybe this is what causes the girls to finally see Toru for who she truly is, and they see her face for a second before her quirk hides it again.
I believe Toru feels a lot of angst about not being seen, along with not having a lot of self-esteem because of the way that she describes herself. She is the only one that can see how she looks like. With this group, she can truly find out who she is.
Maybe her parents can also see, but I theorize that Toru’s parents are villains and did not treat her that well. (She describes her parents as normal either because she’s undercover or that she views abuse as normal)
Because of Toru truly connecting to her classmates that aren’t Mashirao, Toru comes to learn about the errors of her ways. She either vows to continue being a vigilante, or Toru goes back to the LoV and tries to convince them to be nicer to 1-A, or at least the girls.
Last but not least, there is Momo, who I view will become the protagonist of this arc because of her position as the leader. She is also a target for the Clan but for an entirely different reason. The Clan views Momo as the example of a perfect being with a powerful quirk.
They could try to recruit Momo, but Momo says no. Because of her refusal, they plan to kidnap Momo and eventually convince her about their ideals. Momo gets reminded of Bakugou’s kidnapping because of this, which could eventually lead to her thinking about becoming a vigilante.
Because the heroes are too busy dealing with the consequences of the war, Momo decides to recruit some of her classmates to help her. Which eventually leads to the events of this proposed arc.
Momo is the only one of the girls that has done anything close to being a vigilante in canon. Although she only came to make sure nothing bad happened, Momo is the most open to working outside the law if the situation calls for it.
Although Momo’s plan for Machia eventually worked in the end, Momo was unable to stop the massive destruction Machia caused before then. This can lead to Momo’s self-esteem issues to cloud her judgment. Especially if Momo learns that Midnight did actually die during the war.
Momo must learn how to trust herself again, that it was not her fault that her plan against Machia did not work in the end. She also needs to learn more about the world and how much privilege she has because Momo was born rich.
Because of the war, Momo slowly learns more about the truth of the world. Maybe she even gets to the point that she uses her creation quirk to help those in need, even if that would potentially risk the economy.
Momo’s family will get explored more since I do not have an idea of what has happened to Momo in her childhood. I just project a lot of my issues onto fictional characters, so I headcanon Momo’s parents as abusive even though they’re most likely aren’t. Feed us with backstories
Momo truly becomes a leader and becomes a lot more knowledgeable about the world and the struggles her friends and others have gone through. Also, I really want Momo to learn how to make a gun. But that’s probably never going to happen.
If this gets popular, I could theorize more about this arc. And try to fight the temptation of writing it because my life be busy and I’m already writing way too much fanfiction. RIP. Being a fanfic author is suffering.
Oh yes and this arc would be very gay. Because I can't stop myself. If I wrote it like everybody would have ship teases with each other because of my poor multishipper heart.

#Togachako #Momojirou #Nejiyuyu
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