Examples of Exaptation đŸ§” https://twitter.com/Conaw/status/1339792820463255553
Exaptation: A trait/technology/idea used for one purpose, later is discovered to be unexpectedly useful for a radically different purpose. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2400563 
The canonical example is how birds came to fly. Birds didn't aim to fly and then evolve towards it. Instead - Feathers - original function was thermo regulation, staying warm/cool
But over time feathers became more dense and complex (as a result of adaptive fitness). Then birds started using feathers for different things previously unanticipated. Like sexual display
Black Heron bird started using feathers to help catch prey. Then evolution in this activity over time led tendons etc to become more pronounced, creating proto wing structures.
Eventually these traits were used for flight. Flight was unforeseen, not obvious characteristic of feathers.
The changes in function of feathers represent exaptation events. Sj Gould and Vrba- Characteristics evolved for one use, and later 'coopted' for a new use are called exaptations
Exaptation is v powerful method of radical novelty. Suggests radical innovations are hidden in existing ideas/things. Using things for things they weren't intended can unlock big innovations.
Exaptation is common in biology. Another one in Darwin's notes- The swim bladder in fish. Original function in fish was for floatation. Then exapted for respiration.
But exaptation way more common in human creation. Might be one of the most important mechanisms of how way we create new things. A lot of examples-
Gutenberg used a wine press to create the printing press.
Henry Ford used the ideas from Chicago Meat Packers to create the Mass Production Line for the Model T
Percy Spencer was working on Radar technology. Realised the chocolate bar in his pocket melted. Isolated the magnatron. Used it to create the first Microwave Oven. First time in history humans could cook without fire.
Nairobi Cobblers using old car tyres to create sandals
Actually Bill Bowerman using a waffle iron to create the first ever Nikes. https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/a21841/nike-waffle-iron/
Roland created the TB 303 bass synthesizer. Intended as a practice accompaniment tool for musicians. Originally failed. Discontinued. Until DJs in Detroit/Chicago use it for techno/acid/house. Now seminal, used in all your favourite songs.
A lot of examples of exaptation in pharmacology.
Benzodiazepine (originally a dye) was found to be useful as tranquilliser, became valium
Industrial dyes led to a lot of exaptations in medicine. Chemotherapy for example came from synthetic dyeing and staining process.
Another- a dye used to make red leather.  Injected into mice who were also then given deadly streptococcus. Came back 5 days before Christmas. Shocked all the mice were alive...."We stood there astounded at a whole new field of vision, as if we had suffered an electric shock"
Marsilid was a drug to treat tuberculosis. Strangely, patients were dancing in the isles of the hospital. Doctor worked it out to be the drug eventually. Marsilid was later released as first ever anti-depressant. Launched entirely new class of drugs
Actually so many examples of exaptation in medicine. Think it has to do with better documentation required in medicine. Two great books explore this in so much detail:
1. The Human Stories Behind The Drugs We Use: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0054IDA9G/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_tmb
2. Happy Accidents by Morton Meyers (maybe my favourite book of the last 5 or so years). https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Accidents-Serendipity-Breakthroughs-Twentieth-ebook/dp/B005M26J06
So many documented examples in computing too. @pmarca say it as software eating world. Said another way- Hardware/software are big exaptation generators. They are are full of unintended consequences that when found unlock cascades of change
A few examples from computing- First- The whole thing set off with an exaptation! Babbage differential and analytical engine was an exaptation of Jacquard loom. Babbage flew to France. Had a photo of it in his office.
ENIAC, first computer, was designed to help calculate artillery firing tables. Wasn't clear computers would be useful for so many other things later. J Presper Eckert, designer of ENIAC said “I must confess that
I don’t own a personal computer. I have no reason to"
And then from there, computing seems to be a cascade of exaptations: We use computers for certain things. They continue to get cheaper and faster, and then suddenly new people discover new functions they previously weren't used for.
e.g. 1960s computer found first commercial use. - American Airlines used SABRE system, which was an IBM 9090, cost $30 million. https://twitter.com/ibm/status/997867736305979392
Then -> Mini computers -> PCs -> Internet -> Digital Media -> Social networks -> Smart Phones -> Tools for Thought.
Ok running out of steam, might add more detail to these later, but in each case, there is clear examples of exaptation- using features of computing in a way previously not anticipated, and leading to a new form of radical innovation
Exaptation I think would be a massive method of novelty in art, music, all forms of abstract human creation, maths, literature. Haven't even considered linguistics too, which is perhaps its current most articulate domain w/ history of technology.
Mokyr. Levinthal. Basalla my favourite authors on it. Might finish with Koestler “all decisive events in the history of scientific thought can be described in terms of mental cross-fertilization between different disciplines.”
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