Venn diagram of feminists who have 'gilead' as their location but support exodus cry
come on gals even the name is fucking dystopian
I hate pornhub. genuinely sighed in relief when the man who exploited. me monetised a video up there bc it had nearly 400k views & I was sick to death of people being able to watch this piece of shit man fuck me at the click of a mouse & pornhub refused to remove it...
... but fucking hell if you can't see why teaming up with religious fundamentalists with a history of rank homophobia, who want to take away yr right to abortion next, isn't the most. shortsighted shit, I can't help you!
I'm religious myself. so this isn't coming from a place. of atheist bigotry at all, but other, very marginalised and vulnerable, people should NEVER get sucked into whatever you perceive your spiritual journey as being. that isn't fucking fair.
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