The Tueller Drill is interesting.
Basically, you can experimentally verify that unless you've got a gun already in your hands, an attacker within 6 meters will *definitely* be on top of you before you can shoot them.
In the real world, this has important consequences. Cops cite it to justify murdering people, for instance.
Now, of course, zombies.

Specifically, fast moving zombies.
Even if you were a huge zombie fan, spent your whole life hoping for zombies and planning for zombies, and carried a gun on you just in case of zombies:

You're dead within 30 seconds of encountering the very first fast-moving zombie you see, unless you had your gun in hand.
Even a huge zombie fan, with a gun on them in hopes of shooting zombies, is dead the moment the first fast-moving zombie they see gets with 6 meters of them.

Unless they literally *always* have a gun in their hand and never holster it.
Even if they've trained with guns, and are very good at shooting. Because no one wants to go to jail for murdering a cosplayer or a jogger.
Even a huge zombie nerd, with a gun on them, *in their hand*, would hesitate long enough to be taken down.
Basically, you'd need to be lucky enough to:

- have a gun
- in your hand
- instantly recognize that you are dealing with a zombie
- shoot it
- before it gets within 6 meters
- and not get bodyslammed to the ground as its corpse hits you
In other words: even in our world, where people know about zombies, argue about zombies, go to zombie walks, and *buy guns specifically citing zombies*, no one but the very luckiest would survive past their first encounter.
The Tueller drill says that if you saw a fast-moving zombie and kill it, you are *already* outnumbered because odds are no one else in your city was that lucky.
"but what if-"
For fast-moving zombies, unless *everyone* has guns in their hands at literally all times, and *everyone* is willing to instantly shoot anyone who acts strangely, and *everyone* can avoid getting a black stripe when attacked with a marker, you're fucked.
Which means: you're not trapped in a zombie apocalypse. Statistically it is certain you *are* the zombie apocalypse.
The problem here is that it doesn't matter a jot how lucky and prepared *you* are.

One guy just happens to encounter his first fast-moving zombie in an open, well-lit area, while holding a loaded gun safety off, and luckily doesn't think "heh, I love zombie walks"
What matters is that no one else in his entire city will win that lottery.
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