Right Now The World Is Going Through A Shifting In Consciousness

We’re about to start innerstanding more about who we truly are & how we operate in this Multi-Dimensional Universe

Thread To Prepare You As We Ascend Into A New Age Of Collective Consciousness⬇️⬇️⬇️
3D vs 5D

What this 3D/5D split means is that we’re detaching from our old ways of operating as a collective species

We’re literally entering into a new cosmic age, a date that’s been prerecorded in history, even mainstream media is talking about, that’s how you know it legit https://twitter.com/mukhimindset/status/1340704686438031366
It sounds super esoteric but when you really look at everything that’s happened in the last 20 years alone, let alone 2020, it’s safe to say that something is rising from all these events & ultimately it looks like the collective is rising

Humanity Is Starting To Re-Awaken
It’s not a coincidence that Humanity is waking up just as the cosmos start to align & bring in a new age

Even if you’re not into astrology it’s still crazy how ancient civilizations would correlate the stars above to the lands below & look how accurate things are right now https://twitter.com/mukhimindset/status/1253039727604793345
People even say that the Mayan Calendar ending on Dec 21 2012 was actually supposed to be 2020

The 8 years got added because we started using the Gregorian Calendar which took added 8 years

This clock wasn’t a doomsday clock but just a clock to let us know we’re starting a NEW
This year as been different from all the rest & it’s also been more eye opening then the rest

Maybe it’s just another coincidence that the world started seeing clearly in 20/20

Whatever may happen over the years just know you’ll have even more control over your life
We already know we live in a matrix like world

We’re Conscious Creators of our life

This is the knowledge that more people will start to Innerstand in the following years & decade

In this higher age of consciousness we’ll have a higher range of frequencies we can tap into https://twitter.com/mukhimindset/status/1273318494273261568
We know all this information about the powers we possess if we just go within, but we just have to collectively apply it to see true change occur

We are just not entering into an age where we can receive more so it’s going to take some time but it’s headed in the right direction
I truly believe this year was destined to go this way because we as a worldwide population must SEE it to BELIEVE it

Already a lot of people BELIEVE but we are literally about to SEE events occur that are going to change the way we see everything & it all starts Dec 21st https://twitter.com/mukhimindset/status/1334324385801510912
This December 21st Date has been thrown around for a while & there are a lot of rumors around it

The only things that’s for certain is that a Great Conjunction will Occur, the same day as a winter solstice, as Million Mediate, ushering in a new age of collective consciousness https://twitter.com/mukhimindset/status/1340336034748444674
You can follow @MukhiMindset.
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