Americans keep expecting a system that's not built to serve their interests to serve their interests.
- Progressives look to congress for economic justice.
- Trumpers think the judicial system will overturn the election.
- Libs thought Mueller would arrest the entire Trump camp.
What these all have in common is a belief that the system can be used to radically change the system, and it just can't. The system is built by the powerful to maintain power structures which serve the powerful. That's it. It's not going to suddenly start serving your interests.
This is why the main US factions keep being proven wrong about their predictions of apocalyptic revelations which will take out the other party: they're taking it as a given that there's some part of the system which works in opposition to the other parts on behalf of justice.
Trump is obviously corrupt, so libs assumed an investigation would turn up corruption and he'd be punished for it, erroneously taking it as a given that the judicial system might turn against the president. Same with the Trumpers who think the election results will be overturned.
And that's just not what the system is for. Even relatively awake people often cling to the delusion that there exists some part of their federal governmental structure which is there to serve them, when really its primary function is to protect the powerful from them.
Exactly. That was never going to happen. The "Iraq has WMDs" guy was never going to topple the executive branch of the US government. The Mueller investigation was never separate from the power structure that Trump serves.
You cannot use the swamp to drain the swamp, and it's all swamp. QAnoners (largely white boomers who have lived lives which led them to expect the system to work for them) thought there were parts of the system which could be used against other parts.
Yes to all of this.
The advantage to loudly demanding the system work the way it's supposed to is exposing the fact that it doesn't to a wider and wider audience. This can help lead to a critical mass of people taking direct action outside the system, which is the solution.
Ever since 2016 it's been endless predictions from Democrats and Republicans that some huge revelation is going to drop which wipes out the other party. It never happens: the imperial machine just keeps chugging along with all its parts working in well-oiled harmony. This is why.
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