Watching one of my favorite #torchwood episodes, "Captain Jack Harkness."

Also has a nice version of "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square."
It also can be tied to both "The Runaway Bride," which aired a week prior, because of the Vote Saxon poster and @bbcdoctorwho Series 3 because the finale would lead into "Utopia," "The Sound of Drums," and "Last of the Time Lords," in which Captain Jack reappears.
Moved on to "Utopia," "The Sound of Drums," and "Last of the Time Lords," featuring the return of Captain Jack to proper @bbcdoctorwho AND the inaugural return of The Master.

Plus, Sir Derek Jacobi! 🔥😍
Moving onto "World Enough and Time," "The Doctor Falls," and "Twice Upon a Time," featuring one of my favorite companions, Bill Potts, and one of my favorite versions of The Master, Missy.
It's also a nice little trilogy in that the opening scene is also part of the ending scene for the season, which leads into the final Twelfth Doctor story.
While I definitely like the Thirteenth Doctor, it's taken some time for her to grow on me. I definitely like Series 11's 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th and 9th best, while adored Series 12's 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th. I'm still on the fence about the 10th episode until next season.
I still hate that Bill dies! She was such a great companion! 😟😕
Moving onto "The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe," which isn't my favorite Christmas Special, but also not the worst (👀 2013 & 2016). I just don't buy being a mother as a super power.

Reg Arwell is played by Alexander Armstrong, who voices Mr. Smith in #SJA.
I was never much of a fan of the Eleventh Doctor. I much prefer the Twelfth.
Watching the #SJA story, "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?," which is the first Trickster story, one of my favorite villains from this series. Also, Maria's dad is hot.
Moving onto #SJA's "The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith," marking the second appearance of the Trickster. This is the first allusion to the return of The Doctor, which will occur next season.
While one would think that I would resume from "Whatever Happened...?" and "The Temptation..." with "The Wedding..." but I don't. I'm continuing with "The Mad Woman in the Attic," which alludes to the return of the Doctor.
Moving onto "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith," which is the final story to feature the Trickster AND also the first story in which The Doctor appears outside of @bbcdoctorwho. It would not be the last with the Eleventh returning next season, and Twelfth appearing on @bbcclass.
Heading back to #Torchwood with "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang," ft @JamesMarstersOf as Captain John Hart. While I loved Marsters on #Buffy/ #Angel & @cw_spn, Captain John Hart is absolutely delicious😋✨! Chronologically, this episode takes place after @bbcdoctorwho's Series 3 before 4.
It's really unfortunate, but I think #Torchwood's first two seasons are the best because they are episodic...various stories and character development. Once it goes miniseries, it looses quite a lot.
Continuing on with @bbcdoctorwho's "Fugitive of the Judoon," featuring both the return of Captain Jack Harkness AND, more importantly, a mysterious incarnation of The Doctor.
Likely ending today's binge with @bbcdoctorwho's "Dark Water" and "Death in Heaven," featuring the reveal that the mysterious woman is in fact the Master, among other things. The opening of the latter is utterly fantastic, IMO. Series 8 allowed me to fall in love with 12-Clara.
This scene I found absolutely brilliant of Clara trying to pose as The Doctor! Given the Master was just revealed as a woman AND we know Time Lords can hide as human using the Chameleon Arch 🤯😂☺!!!
I liked Danny Pink ( @theblackpaddy) way more than Clara. Clara had grown on me a lot more compared to Series 7B, but Danny was just much more nuanced.
I love Kate Stewart, who is a crossover character having appeared in #Downtime & #DaemosRising by Beverly Cressman. #Downtime also features The Brigadier & Sarah Jane Smith.
Beginning today with @bbcdoctorwho's "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End," which serves as a conclusion to threads started at the beginning of NuWho AND is a massive crossover. Also, one of two appearances of Davros in NuWho.
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