every time you get suckered in with "this makes the queers more palatable because we're going to behave normally" sex workers are the first to take the resulting blow from the government you're tacitly supporting
do you fucking see how these scumbags have hijacked your morality with the same stupid "think of the poor innocent ____" routine they used to jail queers for kissing?
do you get it that this kind of shit will be used to de facto ban trans and queer expression? "well that's good because we're de fetishizing queerness and trans bodies etc. etc." doesn't matter, they now banned trans bodies you dumbass.
look up wayne wheeler, how he delivered the temperance movement right into the hands of anti-immigrant racist nationalist bullshit. This is an -old move- and you're getting played hoping to be a decent queer patted on the head by society for not being 'one of those queers'
there's a word for that and it's called "Collaborator."
at some point your demand for a less 'icky' version of queerness is now going to put people out of jobs. over content -nobody is demanding you to consume- over how _YOU_ want to control how other people percieve you
but you -can't- the people who want you dead, gone, silienced will never let you be -good enough- once you give them control of that. All they have to do is just flip the switch. watch how the nuremberg laws kept drilling down more and more ridiculously about 'jewish features'
like everybody, _EVERYBODY_ got mad at the babyfurs just like every nerd got mad at queer nerds, like everyone got mad at straight nerds, and the only time we actually make any progress or culture is when we say "Yeah, those weirdos who fuck strange are on -my team- what of it?"
look goddamn deep in yourself right now, and ask why the -fuck- you don't feel like you can set a boundary about what -you do- versus what -someone else does- and still have that -someone else- be part of your larger allegiances instead of 'anathema we banished don't hit us.'
i am -sitting here- begging you to realise as the sex workers now are looking down the barrel of being ousted, real people facing underemployment, and everyone is going "but this will make the uptight anti-sex christian heteronormative hegemony feel more comfy so it's better."
You have to -stop falling for a thought terminating cliche- language can be used by -anyone- and you can and will get suckered in to this, just like "Won't someone PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" suckers in scared parents to usually pass legislation that hurts marginalized people
you're looking at -the fucking republican party- effectively hijacking the idea of the language and culture of consent to do what? make it so a bunch of women aren't allowed ownership of their own bodies to sell pictures thereof?
i get it, all you ever wanted to do was belong and fit in and be normal and not be 'one of those kinds of gays haha' I get you, I've been there I've lived that life. you will always be a faggot to them the second they deem you such. you cannot change -yourself- to change -them-.
this is why pride parades came into existence. and the more normies show up to them, the more there's quiet hegemony, the more trans people have to march in their own parade routes because capital doesn't love us yet.
And every time you're presented with an image of queerness and you recoil from it because that's not the sanitized, unsexual, 'we're normal tho' vision of queerness as sold to you by rich white men in charge of media companies, you buy into internalized queerphobia.
you need to admit the fact that the history of queerness, has a strong sexual contingent, it is the politics of romance and of sexuality. Nobody was ever arrested for being 'really good at interior decorating' they were arrested for buggery and bulldaggering.
this is why I'm big on slur reclamation, constantly running the euphemism treadmill only grants them a new word to turn into a slur, which we'll abandon, and come up with a new one, which will become a slur and that cycle will continue for as long as you let it.
but being willing to say: "You got it, I'm not part of the norm. and I'm -still valid- and I refuse to be controlled entirely." Is the -only thing that has even allowed the idea of queer rights to progress-
Yes, queer is a slur, but you know what? It's accurate. I am not normal. I am deviant, I do not fully conform, and i am -liberated- from the shackles of a propriety forced on me by people who don't even universally agree that women aren't -property-
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