Inspired by @KeaghlanAshley to speak out but... as someone who was on television for a tv show, you need to understand that for us... spoilers was an end of contract. Spoilers meant our career was fucked (unless you're a cis white male)

In television, we take spoilers seriously.
You need to understand that in TV and film, WE CANT TALK ABOUT IT. I was kept a secret during filming. I wasn't allowed outside my hotel while filming. I was meant to stay put in my room, otherwise I'd lose my job.

You're damn right I'm passionate about preventing spoilers.
If I had to live secluded for over a year, you can handle a week of not ruining it for others.

That's it. It's that easy. Don't be selfish. You have no idea why someone "couldn't stay off social media". You dont. Stop acting like it's that easy.

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