I can see why the girl said black folk would get superpowers during the Great Conjunction tomorrow because the planets will be closer than they have ever been since slavery.

All in Aquarius, which is the sign of the revolution and of the marginalized.
Enslavement in North America started in 1619 with Jamestown. This conjunction hasn’t been this close since 1623. You see?

I’m not saying we getting powers, but it just may be the start of a reckoning
As we get experience United State’s Pluto return, the fundamentals of these structures will start falling off. 2021 will have 7 planets all in Aquarius at the start of February. It’s the start of a global reckoning.
It may even been an economic reckoning, like true reparations. As the conjunction planets are Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn speaks about restriction/institutions, Jupiter is the holder of wealth

Wealth (Jupiter) that came from restriction (Saturn), returning to the community (Aqua)
Pluto (control) sits in Capricorn (money/institutions) all in USA’s 2nd House of Finances anyway. It’ll be interesting to watch things play out these next few years.
Reminds me of the Ifa Divination of the Year for the entire world that was casted in June (and this divination timeline will last till next June) about how those who are marginalized will be able to find freedom this year. Crazy https://twitter.com/ehimeora/status/1270831156666273792?s=20
You can follow @ehimeora.
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