Project Give Nie Huaisang Hugs Commence
Da-ge, objectively, gives the best hugs. He is large. He is warm. He is loving. Hold those titties and feel the love, darlings. the only downside is that he hugs nhs in private only. No pda for Da-ge. He refuses. In private though, nhs is allowed to climb him like a tree for hugs
Do you know who does hug nhs in public though? San-ge. Meng Yao is very good at doing the thing where nhs feels awkward and wants to stick to someone's arm so MY lets him snuggle in close and have entire conversations half-into his lap. He's also good at comfort hugs.
Er-ge is good at hug but will not know nhs wants one until nhs asks with actual words. So, nhs now just says "HUGS" from across the hall before sprinting at him. He will play with nhs's hair as he does it though, which is LOVELY.
WWX is super touchy and will sling a hand over nhs's shoulder or around his waist at all times. He's not a very good hugger though, very boney, no squish. He's a better hugger when he's drunk, because he will let nhs hug his thighs, and that's GREAT.
Jiang Cheng is HORRID at hugs. He does not get that people can just hug each other for no reason. No one has to have died for you to hug, Jiang Cheng! Nhs tries valiantly though, he once got a whole arm slung around him when jc was drunk!
Lwj hugged nhs once (1). It was An Experience. He hugs like he read how to do it in a book, very precise arm movements, very gentle. It was for comfort, because nhs looked very distressed and lxc was not there, but lwj has seen the "HUGS" thing happen before, so he did his duty.
Jiang Yanli gives wonderful hugs. She's very attentive, and makes shushing noises appropriately and plays with nhs's hair! it's so good! The only problem is that she's SMALL, and nhs really like to feel squished.
Jin Zixuan hugs nhs indulgently but only as a hello and a goodbye. He's very proper. He wraps his arms around nhs, does the back pat, and then lets go and smiles that "this was a pleasant social interaction" smile.
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