Let me drop this information for Northern Governors and our security Agents.

If they can BAN MOTORCYCLES (BIKES) in all 7 Northwestern states, and 6 Northeastern states in Nigeria, Boko Haram activities, and Bandit attacks will reduced by 70%.

I recently visited some troubled States for fact finding within NE and NW. The story is the same everywhere, but it is grossly underreported by the media. The federal government and the military authorities are doing everything to subdue the truth and the news.
Let me state it categorically here, that outside the state capitals of Zamfara, Sokoto, Katsina, Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, where security agents are largely stationed, & virtually seen. Every other Local Government in these states are ghost towns. The inhabitants live in fear.
It might surprise you to know that Bandits enjoy a free ride in the Northwest. They usually move in convoy with bikes (motorcycles). These bikes are heavily coated with dried cow skin. Especially the tyres. To prevent it from bursting while they ride through the bushes.
They come into town, in huge numbers. Sometimes as many as 200 bikes. Well & heavily armed to the teeth. They invade business owners in those towns to take settlement (money). the locals live in fear. There is nothing like security on sight whenever those Bandits hit town.
Banning bikes in those areas, will come with a lot of pain & hardship to the people, but it will certainly reduce bandits & terrorist attacks to a great extent. Those forest around Northwest & Northeast, are not motorable, but those Bandits/terrorist know the terrain too well.
I know the Nigerian military have what it takes to prosecute the war against Bandits and terrorist, and can afford the logistics, which the terrorist and Bandits can't afford, but they often overrun our military, because they know and understand the terrain more than them.
Banning bikes in those 13 Northern states, will expose the activities of those terrorist to a large extent. They can't attack anymore on bikes. & if they opt for vehicles, they can't attack in large numbers. Because the terrain won't permit them. That's t a plus for our military.
I know what am saying, because i recently visited some troubled states around the North. I took risk, came face to face with Bandits, because someone has to tell the story, & the truth. I interacted with some of the locals. A risk most journalist in Nigeria can't afford to take.
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