This should always be plan A for all believers. And we should encourage those around us to do the same. For those who aren't, Jesus (Yeshua) loves you and gave Himself in your place, as the cost for your sin paid in full. Trust in Him and all He did,
Through the cross to have peace with God and from God through Holy Spirit. You don't have to understand it all, or have all the answers. You just have to start the journey.
A.] Ask for Him to forgive the mess your life is in from bad choices made; and your need for Him.
B] Believe in your heart that Jesus is God's Son. That he died and was raised again to life on the 3rd day. This paid the penalty for your sin which is death.
C] Confess that belief and ask Him to come into your life and take over your life by Holy Spirit. Let Him then lead
you into new life here on earth and after you leave earth to spend eternity with Him.
This is how you start the journey. Then start reading the bible and find others who believe too, so you can ask questions and start growing in you new faith in Him.
You won't be disappointed or regret this decision. The journey won't always be easy, but it will be worth it.
For those that have already started the journey please retweet this thread for those that need to. Know that you are loved by our Heavenly Father, and that our best
is yet to come with Him. I will close this with an old song I haven't heard for a while but is a good reminder on all we face together individually, and as a nation.

Because He lives I can face tomorrow.
Prayers up armor on, stand firm and stand in faith. We all are in it together; and in it to win it. Remember worship is our weapon. Our God inhabits our worship as He fights for us and with us.
And always will
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