An idiot white savior who I won't name to give him more attention but who thinks he's a champion of Tigray wrote this: "After the students brought down Haile Selassie’s feudal monarchy, a cabal of military leaders, the DERG, overtook the student movement." This guy has a PhD.🙄
This is not only ignorant, it's lazy. There must be countless histories of the revolution available for a 3 minute check, and if you doubt me, here's a crucial detail in Asfa-Wossen Asserate's account in his bio of Haile Selassie.
His screw-up is in a fawning thread on radical and plane hijacker Wallelign Mekonnen. And he writes this: "Many Oromo, Somali, Wolayta, Tigray, Sidama etc. cherish the constitution's clauses on self-determination."

I would love to know how he came to this sweeping conclusion.🤔
What makes this crap so dangerous is that this fool has a platform. He gets facts wrong and twists others to push a political agenda for which he'll never have to pay the cost. I wrote about this in my "historians" article, only this guy doesn't even know the history.
He also likes to RT the more divisive commentators and those pushing the "Menelik was evil" BS. 🙄 If your thing is to side with one people over another, recycle propaganda and weaponize history, no, I don't think you are a friend to any of the Ethiopian people.
Call me old fashioned, but I have a problem with promoting the "ideas" of hijackers who bring grenades on planes.😠Credit to @Natberh for this great thread.
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