'Twas 5 days before Xmas, & all through the land
A virus ran rampant, mitigation poorly planned
The doctors & nurses were tired and stressed,
the masks on their faces, so tightly pressed.
Trumpers swarmed maskless, big box stores & malls,
blithely ignoring medics' 911 calls
Fauci in his face shield & Biden in his mask
Begged the American public to shape up, & fast
When out on the Twitter there arose such a bluster,
The orange blob had called for his zombies to muster.
Away from his rhetoric, the GOP backed
But it was too late-their party was sacked.
The countdown had started, just one month to go
The luster of hope, a bright future aglow.
How much destruction can one small man wreak,
a wannabe tyrant, authoritarian freak?
We're so very close to righting the ship
Here's hoping this shitshow was only a blip.
We must hold responsible every last one
Or this fight to save democracy will never be won.
Now! Marco, now! Lindsey, now! Kushner, and Mitch,
On! Vanky, on! Kellyanne, on! every last bitch
To the American public your sins will be shown
Even the dumbest will see they got pwned.
When investigators come for you, and all of your notes,
You'll want to stonewall, hide on your big stupid boats,
but subpoenas will come for you, search warrants too
And then in a torrent, the information will pour
And all of your crimes will be exposed to your hoards
Your supporters will turn on you when they see the light,
They'll come to understand you're a historical blight.
And we who've exposed you will yell with all of our might,
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