Oh, you think you're an Ally?

Lemme see your Chirpty Circle right quick followed by your Follower/Following List.
Look, I want to fully explain my above tweet...

I am aware that Chirpty Circles are based off of your most recent interactions, not a long term thing. It's possible for you to be the most Ally of Allies and your Chirpty Circle (CC) look like a White Sale at The Gap.
But, it's not a bad idea to take stock in what circles you interact in the most. Maybe every few months do a CC to see who you interact with. If you start noticing an uncomfortable pattern, take steps to remedy it.
There's no playbook for being an Ally. The only rule is to listen to Marginalized folks. Beyond that? It's ever evolving.
Take a look at your "Following" list. If it looks like a list of folks who wouldn't be out of place holding a Tiki Torch in front of a Confederate Statue, take the time and care to actively incorporate Marginalized voices.
It's human nature to want to center yourself within an echo chamber, but the issue that comes in is that your echo chamber can also look like a mirror.
If you only feel comfortable getting hot takes about Marginalized communities from people who could pass a paper bag test, you need to learn how to sit in the uncomfortable seat of true ally-ship.
If a BIPOC takes the time to commit the emotional labor to try to learn you something, they actually care about you. If we don't care about you? We'll let you act dumb on your feed and laugh about you in a group chat.
Please, please, PLEASE listen to BIPOC when we say something is wrong...
You can follow @MedicTrommasher.
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