One of two things are true - Either DJT was bamboozled, manipulated, and fooled into trusting globalist agents to serve justice (Wray, Barr, SC). OR, DJT knew that Fed. LE prosecutions through courts would result in not-guilty verdicts. Why not fire Wray, Barr, Haspel, etc?
Knowing that the courts are corrupt & a not-guilty verdict would result in the inability to prosecute globalist agents for the crimes, again, the courts were never an solution. You get one shot in a criminal prosecution. So why keep Wray, Barr, Haspel? Protection, that's why.
False flag - If Trump had appointed an outsider to the head of the FBI or CIA then the media would have screamed that Trump is endangering our nation by appointing unqualified outsiders to these positions. Leaves the door open for false flag which then is blamed on DJT inadequacy
No, you keep Wray & Haspel as a buffer. That way if any false flag is run it can be blamed on the Deep State actors. They're in charge, remember? The institutions they control are useless, anyway. No resolution will come from a corrupt FBI or DOJ, courts are crooked, too.
One of two things are true - Either Trump severely misplaced his trust in knowingly crooked people. Or, it never mattered what they did. I believe it's the latter. The courts are useless, the FBI/DOJ are totally corrupt, too. Military was the only option. It's the only cure.
Ask yourself - why didn't DJT fire Barr or Wray? We knew those two guys were totally crooked. You're telling me Trump did not? Or, did they trick him into trusting them? I don't think so. DJT knew the military was the only way. Tribunals. These people are agents of foreign power.
A lot of folks are talking about EO 13848. Agreed, it's important. It's a HUGE dragnet to catch the election riggers and the broad spectrum of supporting cast such as media. However, I would point you to EO 13818 & 13825, written 12/20/17 & 3/1/18 as a guide-stone for this op.
Quote from EO 13818 "(1) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery;"

Specifies the crimes in Uranium One^^^^
13818 also declared the US to be in a state of emergency, long before 13848. Remember, there are decades of crimes to prosecute here. They can't be prosecuted in the regular courts. You can't try someone for the same crime twice. If the defendant is found not guilty, they're free
2.5 months later on 3/1/18 an EO is written to amend the Manual for Courts-Marshall. This is a legal document and I don't speak legalise. I'm told my criminal justice experts and lawyers that this EO made it so American citizens can be tried in a tribunal as wartime adversaries.
Looking back at the last four years it had been very difficult for me to make sense of it. Why didn't Trump fire these clearly corrupt deep state actors? Why didn't he gut the FBI, DOJ, CIA and install outsiders to prosecute!! Because, it would not have yielded fruit.... AND
And it would have left the president totally vulnerable to false flag. The courts are corrupt, Fed LE, intelligence, all working against the pres. The plan was to build a team of allies, and use tribunals to bring down the hammer.
That's why they were never fired. Because it never mattered, and provides the pres with some cover to operate. A bit of a buffer from the really nasty attacks they could pull off. IE - CV --- Thinking back on some of the peculiar events that popped up in the media, it makes sense
For instance, Why would the retired generals write an OPEN letter to head of Joint Chiefs encouraging Milley to consider removing Trump come 1/20? An OPEN LETTER. If I were attempting a coup I would certainly be doing it in secret, wouldn't you? Dinner meeting? Private letter?
No, the only reason to write an OPEN letter is to change people's perceptions. People other than who the letter was allegedly intended for. That'd be either us, or the president. What impact does it have on Trump to hear letters being submitted by retired generals urging mil coup
Think about it - Trump has no inner circle. He's not a politician. He's trying to figure out who to trust. DJT has this plan to use the mil to take down the globalist network. It's bold, it's unprecedented. Now DJT is hearing the military is openly talking coup???
Was that letter really intended for Milley or was it a shot across the bow to try and spook Trump into conceding come rigged election time? Or to simply get him to back off this plan? I think they're running psychological games against the pres. There's more, though-----
Then you have the "hacked" email communication from Sir Kim Darroch - the British ambassador to the US, who was subsequently fired just after the incident. What did he "hacked" emails convey - In a nutshell - Everyone surrounding DJT was one of their people and feeding him (CONT)
what the globalists wanted him to hear. Further explaining that they (the British) have complete control over what Trump sees, hears, and subsequently thinks

I contend to you that those emails were not hacked. They were intentionally published in order to, once again, spook DJT
There is much more to say, but the limitations of twitter make it a chore to convey complex ideas! I'll post more about this but I'd like to conclude on what I believe to be hard facts, and when you view the past four years in this hypothetical framework, EVERYTHING fits. Cont...
1) DJT never intended to use Fed LE or the courts to drain the swamp. The entire system is too corrupt, and going after any one of these three letter agencies would have resulted in the rest ganging-up on the effort. No, the military and courts are the only way.

2.) continued..
2.) In order to pull this off it'd have to be done outside the purview of the typical military chain of command, particularly aside from Esper and Pompeo. That's where Space Force & SOC/JSOC come in. Space Force was staffed by DJT people and created as an independent entity.
3.) SOD Miller is by all accounts a solid guy. In the special forces world he's known as a "no fucks given" guy. Meaning, he doesn't give a fuck what anyone things, he's going to do the right thing. By appointing Miller SOD (think of the timing 11/4) and elevating SOC/JSOC cont..
3) cont.... By elevating SOC/JSOC to an equal branch, which is run top down by the president & SOD, coordinating with the electronic surveillance of Space Force, it gives DJT the tools needed to carry out a massive takedown. There are hundreds of Special Force Squads cont....
3) Cont.... hundreds of special forces squads who are expertly trained and experienced in apprehending terrorists while they sleep. It is conceivable that the 5k - 10k domestic terrorists could be rounded up in a 24 - 48 hour window. Miller is specialized in counter-insurgency.
4.) When I developed this theory it resulted from going back and examining the past four years. Instead of asking myself "why hasn't Trump done fired this person, or ordered a special investigation" I asked myself "what is it that Trump has done", attempting to make sense of it
4) cont.... Forget about what he hasn't done - what he HAS done is reject every globalist agenda that the US was wrapped up in - Paris Climate Accord, NATO involvement/funding, International Criminal Courts, UN, WHO, WTO.... Every demented weaponized program - cut ties. Cont
5) DJT has developed the necessary military command structure in SOC/JSOC, space force, and structured it such that the chain of command is removed from the typical chain, allowing for the SOD and Trump to have complete control of it. Again, this is the branch that makes arrests
6) WHERE IS LISA PAGE? Where are the BLM/Antifa loudmouths we repeatedly saw in the DC protest videos. Where is the girl screaming on her bull-horn day after day? Where is the verbal threats on social media from their leaders? Where are the massive crowds with provocateurs?
6) cont What happened to the 11/5 takeover of DC which we witnessed the planning of on leaked zoom calls? What happened to the mass riots? Where is the destruction, burning, looting? I contend that these agents have been scooped up and a message was sent. Again, Lisa Page twitter
This is the Maidan gameplan. For those that missed it - HRC, Nuland, and western intelligence ran this operation in the Ukraine in 2013. They create the perception of an illegitimate president and used the social unrest as cover for a military coup, ousting the elected president.
Will they be able to pull it off in the US? I don't think so, for obvious reasons. However, their hand is being forced. The ticking time-bomb of the western financial system blowout is looming. They MUST have their Great Reset. They MUST have favorable leadership in the USA.
The Fed Reserve, and other central banks, have been pumping TRILLIONS a day into the system to keep it on life support. No, that's not an exaggeration. The banks are carrying so much bad debt that they need this daily injection to keep them from collapsing.
Looking at the Fed Reserve numbers they are claiming that around 150 billion per night is being created and pumped, but we know that to be much higher as they've created other vehicles to pump liquidity into the dying system.
I think we'll leave it here, for now. But just keep in mind that Trump is truly holding all of the cards. The hand of the globalists is forced. They must have their reset, or war with China/Russia, or a massive plague unleashed on humanity. They are in a corner, which is scary.
These people we're fighting are sick. They're psychopathic, criminally insane people who'd rather see the world burn than lose control. Nothing is off the table. Be safe, stay optimistic, and make a lot of noise. The WORLD population is awake, and they're not gonna let this cont.
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