Grup Godo, like nature, hates emptiness. Laporta is the clear Cruyffista candidate, & whether he intended it initially or not, Victor Font is their candidate.

I predicted it a few months back & slowly we're seeing him become the candidate of the establishment.

Laporta is a very powerful man. Because he doesn't need their media or financial support, they have nothing to offer him so that they could put their filthy hands inside the club. In 2003 he rejected their help, it's not now that he's all powerful that he'll accept their help.
And the anti-Laporta campaign ever since he announced his return is stronger than ever. That's why I don't care about Jan openly & transparently admitting about his relationship with Rosell (since he came out of prison). There is no electoral pact. The latest articles prove this.
Now are you willing to bet Barca's immediate future that Font's meeting with Rosell had nothing shady to it? Are you 300% sure? Based on recent events I'm less & less sure everyday.

Vanguardia board members, Gaspart board members, Balaño member are now all board members.
Basora is even close to Nolla & Cubero. You add to that Font's friends: Miguel Rico, Xavier Bosch.. The way they all jumped to his defence when Xavi distanced himself from the elections. It's all making too much sense. These are the same people that attack/ed Pep, Cruyff, Leo..
Font needs their support to challenge Laporta & it seems like he already accepted it. No one will vote for a Laporta 2.0 with Laporta running. And recent events are only confirming the natural evolution of these elections. It's not a conspiracy, its nature occupying vacant space.
Here's the the thing. Nuñista candidates don't come dressed in Nuñista suits. The last 2 have come as bright young smart Esade boys with the promise of a strong marketing Barca that will not be involved in politics. Both were seen as the alternative to Laporta

Sounds familiar?
Just think about who's dirty work you're doing when you attack Laporta. You're fighting on the same side as those that destroyed the best club in history in the past 10 years.

This is why I'm not only pro-Laporta, I'm anti-anything that isn't Laporta.
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