For various reasons I’ve done a lot of Christmases alone in my life, so here are some hot tips for dealing with the whole sucky experience:
It is just one day. I know that’s both easy to say and annoyingly obvious, but it really is just one day. It will end and you will get on with your life.
Be kind to yourself. It’s not your fault you’re alone, you’re just unlucky.
It might be a bit late to arrange this now, but work if possible. This distraction also comes with the warm glow of having taken on the shift of someone who probably really wants the day off: win-win
Try not to get drunk. Treating yourself to a nice glass of red = excellent plan. Downing an entire bottle as a rudimentary anaesthetic = NO
Think carefully about whether you want to tell people you’re alone. OBVIOUSLY you should feel free to talk about it if you wish, but just do consider it properly. Personally I find pity really difficult to deal with...
Have treats, however you personally define treats. It doesn’t necessarily mean buying stuff, could just be a really REALLY nice cup of tea
Phone people! Only people who make you feel happy though...
Try not to feel guilty about feeling crappy about this. The idea that other people having it worse ought to somehow shame you into feeling better is bullshit. This is not a misery competition.
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