THREAD: Oh, what a tangled web we weave. In 2012, SVS Holdings (who owned Sequoia) was in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings. They owed Smartmatic a large sum of money. Here they are in their own filing acknowledging Sequoia's ties to VZ (keep reading)
Note how they restructure to get around the concerns of CFIUS. Totally on the up and up, right?? 🙄Not only do they acknowledge that, but they also talk about the issues that Sequoia had with the election in the Philippines. (See screen shots) There is a lot more here, but (cont)
Dominion Canada-- Involved in the NYS Elections? Surely that can't be true, because they are an American company... Right?
Dominion tech absolutely failed in the Philippines as per their PARTNER at the time, and they failed to rectify the issue as it was happening.. SOUND FAMILIAR?!
This doesn't seem shady at all. Dominion working with Smartmatic- they agree that only Dominion will sell in the US and Dominion tells Smartmatic-- SHUSH!! TELL NO ONE WE HAVE THIS AGREEMENT!!
In regards to the Philippine's-- off we go to hear Smartmatic's side of the story about how Dominion completely ruined their election:
Wow. It's like Dominion can't execute a successful election anywhere---
The same Smartmatic that administered the VZ election with Seqouia?
Oh, PS: The IRS is listed as one of the creditors. How rich.
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