They act like this is a legitimate thing to do to "win" the election. It's absolutely disgusting.

Trump lost. By a lot. By several states. By millions of votes.

There is no fraud. There are no "irregularities." Doing this is seditious garbage.
The way this has all been framed is just absolutely sickening to me. "Going for it," as Gaetz says here is "going for" an attempt to throw out the results of an election and seize power via arcane constitutional loopholes.

Even if it doesn't work (It won't), it's utterly vile.
Don't try to tell me that this is "playing to the base" or just about about fundraising or that it's to try to keep Trump happy or anything like that. Because for one, it's not just any of those things. This is who they are. They are vile, seditious ghouls.
How are we supposed to share a country with people like that? How do you coexist with people who, if they had their way, would put an end to democracy and implement a dictatorship? This is evil. They are evil. They are vile, disgusting, horrible people. And it's the whole party.
If you move to have the election results rejected and you don't have mountains of *actual proof* (not "500 affidavits!!!" from your own hardcore supporters who have every incentive in the world to lie), then you're engaging in an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government.
Meanwhile, Democrats can't get off their asses to actually say or do something about this, which has only given Republicans a chance to let it build into this insane movement. The press hasn't done anywhere near enough to push back. Social media has failed at every turn.
I am so sick of this shit.
What if these goons controlled both chambers of Congress? And what if these were the types of guys making up state governments? They've made clear they don't care what the actual results are. They would absolutely do this every time. Elections would not matter in any real sense.
Also, if you're live tweeting this stuff, you have a moral and ethical obligation to also note how deranged this is.
Really wish I didn't live in this shitty country run by the dumbest people on the goddamn planet.
After the 2000 election, in which SCOTUS stopped Florida's recount with Gore 537 votes behind (we'll never know who *actually* came out on top thanks to that), Gore had to preside over the counting of the EC votes. When people objected (to support him), he had to shut them down.
And I think about that all the time. He had to stand there, stopping people from coming to his defense in a situation where he actually had a legitimate reason to question the outcome. You can watch it here:
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