For more information contact:
Constitution Society
The following address is no longer current. It is included for historical reasons.
6900 San Pedro #147-230, San Antonio, TX 78216, 210/224-2868V
"The first shot across the bow of antilaw from the Supreme Court may have just been fired, in the case of U.S. v. Lopez, which, for the first time since 1936, struck down a federal criminal statute based on the interstate commerce clause."
"This will be a difficult transition to manage gracefully. Once the dominoes start falling, it may be difficult to avoid a sudden collapse that will bring chaos and economic upheaval."
"As such, it is doomed, and must eventually give way to a return to the Rule of Law under the Constitution."
Antilaw as Dyslaw

"Antilaw might prevail if it met the needs of the people, eventually acquiring a kind of legitimacy, but it does not. It is fundamentally dysfunctional, as well as illegitimate, and therefore dyslaw."
"This conflict has become a kind of low-level civil war, in which there is real violence and the loss of lives."
"This crisis of legitimacy and corruption is causing severe conflicts within government as well, between factions that extend across institutions and align themselves with citizen activists."
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