I've noticed people around my age all have a similar issue - "I don't really enjoy #films/ #games/ #shows any longer".

I had tried to pinpoint why, and after changing some things in my life I've discovered why - SECOND SCREENS, and PURPOSEFULNESS.

Let's chat.

It had pervaded into my life more than I had thought, but the presence of a second screen was constant. If I had my TV on, I was also on my phone. PC on? Maybe a tablet was also there. At one point I was googling on my phone/IMDB on tablet/movie on TV. 2/
It diluted, not enhanced, the original experience so much that I had convinced myself I must've just outgrown 2hr films. But if that was the case, why would I watch 15 x 10 minute #YouTube videos in a row?

Well, therein lay the second issue - purpose. 3/
I found if I sat down with a purpose, to watch a film or enjoy a game, the minute I grabbed that second screen the chain of tangents would start. Distractions. Yet, if EVERYTHING you watch is a distraction, you don't feel so bad about deviating. 4/
So, what did I do? Simple, really. Sit down with purpose, and eliminated secondary or tertiary screens. TV on, film on, all other screens off and in another room. No exceptions for 2 hours. And wouldn't you believe it? Within days, I LOVED FILMS AGAIN. 5/
My productivity went up, because I wasnt completely gnarled and paralysed by choice and distraction. I looked forward to one thing. And afterwards, I'd grab my phone and actually engage MORE effectively, with fewer instances of zombie-scrolling. 6/
I legitimately don't scroll mindlessly any longer. By isolating devices and having purpose for each of them, I've learned to wait and look forward to things.

I enjoy screen-based activities WAY more as they occur, and now, I've discovered, I DO love #movies again.

Try it. /End
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