Let's not forget it's not the rules that are damaging the economy... it's the virus! Without restrictions NHS would stop functioning, and then let's see what would happen to the economy. (Hint: not good) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55384111
This dichotomy of economy v health must stop, even in the subtext. So I've rewritten the article for you all:
Long term health and economy put first by closing shops today. Up to government to ensure that losers compensated and jobs preserved for day when virus is under control.
Although this won't always be possible, losing some jobs and profit today is much better than the alternative: a failing NHS, with potentially thousands dead. Head of Businesses says "we understand, with such one-sided risks we have come together to beat this virus".
Despite coming too late this means the government's further restrictions are completely justified. Some campaigners have said shops should stay open, but the majority of scientists, academics, politicians, and experts agree restrictions are essential.
See? Much better. Yes, we've made a bit of a mess in December, but that doesn't mean the answer is less restrictions! Government has enormous power to redistribute income during this national crisis.
That can protect businesses from closing, protect incomes for those who still lose jobs, and mean the whole country is better prepared for recovery. Right now thousands use food banks, whilst house prices climb to new highs.
The virus has changed the rules of the game, so whatever your political persuasion you must adapt and change your view of what good policy looks like. Sometimes you can shape events... but today events shape us all.
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