The Failure Of 2020.

This year, for many humans has been quite "Life-changing". Though for some, in a positive way and conversely for the majority.

For me, fortunately, 2020 was a net positive year. At least that's what I believe. A long "personal" Thread. 👇🏼
In Jan 2020, no one would've thought that they'd be sitting at home for straight 10 months at a stretch.

Days went as usual. The daily struggle to travel 5hrs to my college, where I hardly derived any value for the money and time invested were habitual.
Anxiety started to kick in as Feb came by for the semesters—when I had to prepare to write long form stories and aim to fill up the answer booklet to its max.

Then came 16th of March—Amma's birthday. Also the day when the lockdown and holidays was first announced.
Things started to get serious for the world. The stock market fell (though I had no clue), people's businesses lost, the virus spreading faster than bad/fake news. It was real. And happening.

Everything in life seemed to come to a brief (nope) pause.
By then, I had started to think about learning something new. 1 season per day binges of GoT were on full force.

My family (basically) lives off my Appa's pension from his service in the Navy (â‚ą's not a lot). My Amma had left her full-time job as a beautician. She is wonderful.
Like everyone of my age (hopefully), I started to shift my mind towards learning new skills. Skills which made money. I started researching, it wasn't any good.

I failed at learning something. I was just sitting at home doing absolutely nothing all day long.
I've been watching @BeerBicepsGuy since 2017. He has played a VERY positive part in my life. Listened to him say "start leveraging social media sites, instead of just wasting time there, there is a different side". I downloaded twitter (again).

That's when all the good started.
At first, I didn't know how to use this platform. I was an unpaid "channel manager" for @G0DatWAR. Won't blame him, because even he hardly earned through his Gaming Channel on YouTube.

I followed all these popular streamers, esport pros, Ninja, shroud, DrDisrespect, Pengu, etc.
Their useless flexes and announcements were indeed quite enticing. Still I didn't derive ANY value out of it.

Those creators were making huge money, and me just watching them, it was no good. It was getting toxic. Every other genre of twitter gets toxic, just not this, I think
I had already been following @BeerBicepsGuy on twitter. One day, he retweeted/liked one of @palakzat's threads on a brand. I read it sedulously (since he acknowledged it).

I was BLOWN away. It sparked the joy in me.

I believe it was this thread:
The thread was super amazing!

I didn't even know that "threads" on twitter was a way of Blogging.

It was the turning point.
Days went by. With heavy inspiration, I decided to write my own thread. It was a short one, about "Why gym is better than working out at home".

It was absolutely fun to write (though it was a bad one).
I had found the thing that sparked in joy me. The joy, that I was longing to find since 3 years.


Many interests came by my life, but none excited me this much (even gaming).
The ability of doing this right from my 2gb ram Vivo phone, was VERY electrifying (no pun :p)

I never thought I could 'create' something out of this device.

I didn't have a laptop of my own. I don't have it now either.
But this didn't take more than my brain to function slightly and thumbs to tap rigorously on a glass slab.

It was perfect.

I could actually be doing this!
Then I wanted to write about a brand that everyone used, or at least knew. I chose Uber. Did the research, and made the thread. It was well received.

The next was on Nintendo (on their birthday).
On my 20th birthday, 22nd of Sept, a tweet was getting some good attention. It was by Nipun, about a project they were working on.
It was @TweepsYoung. The best thing to happen to me in 2020. A community of people of my age filled with IMMENSE enthu, curiosity which drove their desires like crazy. I had the chance of joining them—thanks to Twitter. I admire every single one of them a LOT. With good reasons.
Then why is it "The Failure of 2020"? The problem is with ME. I lack an enormous amount of action. Actions—which were worthwhile—that proved Amma that I can do it. But I couldn't, no, as much I hate to say, I didn't.

And that was the Failure.
Though, I believe that I learnt a TON from being here, with the amazing amazing community, surrounding myself with the right people. I never applied it anywhere.

Waited all of the time for that "perfect" opportunity that might come my way. Which just doesn't exist.
Fortunately, I find myself lucky (again), which I don't deserve I think. My next semester's classes will also be online. So that I have around ~4 months of time starting 2021.

During this time I WILL-
- Find a part time job (any) to afford a Laptop.
- Start studying for GATE (Environmental Engineering)
- Start creating Content online (hopefully)

That's it. Simple. Things which I failed to do for this whole year. Time which I wasted.
All while keeping my fitness at check with gym, my sanity and knowledge with Non-fiction & Fiction books, videos, podcasts etc. Making a schedule of my day and prioritising all the above.

I'm sure I can do this. It's not that hard at all. Also, no one cares.
That was the end! If you read this far, you just wasted a whole lot of time! But thanks, you're awesome!

Time flies guys. Never waste it.
You can follow @VeeranSayee.
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