The 4th round of Spain's big serologic survey has been aired in the expected childish commercial way: ONLY 10% infected, not enough for herd Immunity.

It is INDEED much more to analyse there, but it's not very supportive for fear narrative.

Let's check.
As this round has been made under masks mandatory, we can check how many of the participants were infected, under declared different masks usage: never, sometimes, always

The group with LESS infections was those NEVER using a mask, 3% Vs 3.8% ALWAYS users.

Masks are NOT working
You have 25% MORE chance of getting infected always using a mask than never using it.

Those partially accomplishing show similar, slightly higher, to mask wearers, 3,9% infections.

PROVED way to minimize risk: never using a mask.

But they're full mandatory, where's science?!
More interesting facts arising from the study analysis, regarding the hospitalisations/ICU FOR COVID.

We repeatedly have talked about unreliability of those data, and its human artifact condition, non related with epidemic.

The facts keep proving it:
During the '2nd wave' 87% of those fast covid admission/discharge (<7 days) showed NO IgG, never were covid infected.

EIGHTY SEVEN per hundred of those in the hosp lists is fake.

56% of long hospitalisation weren't infected either.

Even 53% of supposed covid ICUs is false.
So MORE THAN HALF of the covid hosp lists never were covid in this 2nd wave.

For the whole epidemic the numbers still way overestimated with 76% in <1 week hospitalisation, 30% >1 week hospitalisation and 36% ICU of those noted covid NEVER being infected.
2nd wave shows much more fake hospitalisation, more than doubling in the short admissions.

We've explained how the big economical bonus for doing so was boosting hospital use not related to epidemic. There was proof then, this confirms it again.

Not a word on media.
This whole mess is made thru PCR perverse use, that also appears shockingly redirected in this study.

In 2nd wave 43% of PCR+ weren't probably infected, as 1 month later they DON'T present IgG response.

Some half of PCR result is definitely fraudulent.
Most recent infections could have not develope IgG yet, so data analysis is less consistent, but 32% of 14 d/1 month and 56% of <14 days being probable fake infections are not a good sign.

PCR is catching not only old, but FAKE infections. We can't still act as we don't know it
During whole epidemic ONE THIRD of all the concerning cases thru PCR NEVER had any relation with covid.

And I repeat, that's OFFICIAL DATA.

Antigen test show even poorer result: half of those nominated covid patients that way, never proved with IgG to have any true infection.
The joke goes on and on. The Great covid creature of the 'suspicious' show its real fake useless nature

85% of those with FIVE compatible symptoms never had the CV infection
Most famous covid mark, anosmia, is related to covid on less than HALF of cases

Suspicious means NOTHING
We're making official count of them, noting deaths for compatible symptoms and restricting people's liberties for being SUSPICIOUS.

More than 90% of those with slight symptoms (cough, fever) have NOTHING to do with covid.

Suspicious NEVER was any closer to science. But it's LAW
Nothing of fear narrative stands the contact with reality. The simplest analysis of scientifical data tells A VERY different story.

But, as I begun, not a single word or analysis in media about this full of data scientifical effort EXCEPT, "We are far from herd Immunity. Period"
The whole covid crisis is a set of nonsense glued thru strong advertising, that becomes pure fantasy in the so called second wave.

All side data careful analysis proved it, this is another, big, stone on the grave of the fear narrative lie.

We've to get this info in the debate!
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